
100 Hospital Rd


The Kidz First Children's Hospital is purpose built to deliver family centred health care and serve the culturally diverse Counties Manukau community.

Services provided at Kidz First Children's Hospital include:

  • Paediatric inpatient surgical care - acute (urgent) and elective (non-urgent) orthopaedic, plastic surgical (including specialist Auckland Regional Burns/National Burns Service) and otorhinolaryngeal (Ear, Nose & Throat) patients also practising family/whānau centred care
  • Paediatric Inpatient Medical - acute paediatric medical service that practises family/whaanau centred care with a parent or caregiver encouraged to stay with their children
  • Child Protection Service - medical assessment, consultation, support, education and liaison with all agencies with regards to child abuse/protection issues.
  • CM Health Nutrition & Dietetics - Dietitians provide treatment, education and support to people requiring nutrition information and advice relating to medical and surgical treatments and management of chronic diseases (such as diabetes and high blood pressure).

If you have a child coming into the hospital, please visit our CM Health website for more information about what to bring.

Free bus service available.  Click here for more details.

Click on the following link for the Middlemore Hospital Way Finding Map.


South Auckland

Visiting Hours

Visitors are asked not to enter our facilities if they or anyone in their household has COVID-19 or flu-like symptoms, or if they are currently advised to isolate.

Disposable medical grade face masks must be worn when inside our facilities. If you do not have one, we can provide one for you to use. Reusable cloth masks, scarves, bandannas, or t-shirts cannot be used when visiting a health facility.

Visitors with service or guide dogs are permitted if they comply with hospital policy and other local guidelines.

Home-cooked food can only be delivered directly to patients by visitors. It cannot be left to be collected.

General Policy:
We will support patients to have a maximum of three visitors at any one time between 8am and 8pm.

One visitor can visit overnight (8pm-8am) if prearranged with the ward charge nurse or midwife manager.

Generally, children under 15 should not visit healthcare facilities. Visits from under 15-year-olds must be agreed in advance with the ward charge nurse or midwife manager. They must be supervised at all times.

Some services such as Emergency, Critical Care, Maternity, Neonatal, Paediatrics, Dialysis, Mental Health, and others have different guidelines.

It is best to check with your whaanau member’s care team before you visit i.e. the ward charge nurse or midwife manager. Please visit Counties Manukau Health website.

If you are not sure, please feel free to contact us at the numbers listed below:

  • For Information/Visiting Hours: phone (09) 270 4799
  • For Patient Enquiries: phone (09) 276 5004
  • For Tiaho Mai (Acute Mental Health Unit): phone (09) 270 4742


Counties Manukau Health provides patients and visitors with a number of convenient shopping facilities. On the ground floor, by the main entrance of the Hospital you will find ‘Paataka Place’ which includes the Haumanu Pharmacy, Send-a-Basket (florist) and a variety of food and beverage options. 

For more information, visit Counties Manukau Health website.

Travel Directions

Follow the Middlemore Hospital signs from the following motorway exits:

Southern Motorway
From the North: Princes Street, Ōtāhuhu
From the South: Papatoetoe/Ōtara (East Tāmaki Road) Exit

South-Western Motorway
From either direction: Massey Road 

Kidz First Children's hospital is accessed through Entrance 2.

Click here for directions.

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Public Transport

Access to public transport is available outside the main entrance (Galbraith) on Hospital Road. There is a train station, bus stop and taxi stand. Timetables for these are available from the help desk at the main entrance.

By bus
Bus stops are situated just outside the main entrance (Galbraith) on Hospital Road.
Click here for further bus information.

By train
Middlemore Hospital is located next to the railway line, with trains stopping frequently at the station outside the hospital.  Click here for further train information.

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Parking is limited on the site, however parking sites outside the Kidz First entrance are provided especially for parents. You need to display a parking permit to use this carpark or risk your car being towed. This permit is only issued to parents of patients who are in Kidz First. You will not be guaranteed a place if parking spaces have all been taken.

Patients may be sent down or picked up from outside the Kidz First entrance, which has a small number of free short-term parks reserved for this purpose only. Please consider others and remove cars as soon as possible.

Mobility Parking
spaces can be found near most of the entrances around the hospital. Please ensure you display an authorised mobility parking pass at all times.  Click here for more information about mobility parking at Counties Manukau locations.

Autopay stations are located inside the main entrances of the Hospital main entrance. After validating your ticket you have 15 minutes to exit the carpark otherwise extra payment is required.

Daily Parking Charges: 

  • 0 - 15 minutes (No charge)
  • 15 minutes to 1 hour ($5.00)
  • 1 hour to 2 hours ($10.00)
  • 2 hours to 3 hours ($15.00)
  • 3 hours to 4 hours ($21.00)
  • 4 hours to 24 hours ($26.00)
  • Lost ticket ($52.00)

Free parking for 30 minutes between 2pm - 8pm (visiting hours)
Between 2pm - 8pm visitors can park for 30 minutes but must leave within the 30 minutes otherwise normal rates apply.  

Free parking outside normal/visiting hours
Visitors must leave within 15 minutes otherwise normal rates apply.

Hours of operation: 24 hours per day / 7 days a week 


Kidz First
Within Kidz First Children's Hospital we provide a bed in the room for the caregiver of every child. Each room is equipped with it's own ensuite, TV and telephone that family can use. We also provide meals for one caregiver free of charge.


Hospital Pharmacy
Medicines prescribed while patients are in hospital are supplied by the Hospital Pharmacy.  The Hospital Pharmacy does not fill prescriptions when patients are discharged. 


Security officers are on duty 24 hours a day and patrol all hospital areas. Security staff are always available during the evenings and at night. Most of the entrances are locked at night and visitors should access the hospital by the main entrance.

Support Services

Accounts Receivable Office - Hospital Fees/Charges

If a patient is admitted, the eligibility team will confirm a patient’s eligibility and is able to discuss the cost of treatment and payment while the patient is in hospital.…


Chaplaincy Services

The Chaplains offer spiritual, social and emotional support to patients, their relatives and staff within the hospital.…


Complaints - Feedback Procedure

Our staff work to ensure that your care and treatment is of the best standard that we can achieve. If for some reason you are unhappy with any part of your care please let us know about it.  Happy feedback is also welcomed.…


Interpreting and Translation Services (ITS)

ITS is affiliated to Counties Manukau Health and provides interpreting and translation service solutions to a number of government and private agencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.…


Smokefree Service

Counties Manukau DHB promotes good health and is committed to the Smokefree Policy.…



The Volunteers provide varying support services to visitors, patients and staff here at Middlemore Hospital.…



Automatic Teller Machines (ATM)
There are two ATMs available to make cash withdrawals and deposits - ANZ and ASB. Most cards are accepted. These machines are located in the hospital's main entrance foyer next to the pay machines for car parks. 

  • Phone

    (09) 276 0000 or FREEPHONE 0800 266 513

Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries
Ph (09) 277 1660 OR 0800 266 513


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Street Address

100 Hospital Rd