
901 Great South Road


Manukau Surgery Centre, along with Middlemore Hospital, provides expert multi-disciplinary inpatient care for the citizens of the South Auckland region.

The Surgery Centre has 10 operating theatres, 2 procedure rooms and 78 inpatient beds. The Centre provides day surgery services and elective and acute arranged surgery for patients who are not expected to need access to intensive care or interventional radiology.

Surgery performed here includes: orthopaedic surgery including joint replacement; general surgery; colorectal surgery; breast surgery including breast reconstruction; gynaecological procedures; plastic surgery; ORL/ ENT and ophthalmology.

The Rito Unit and Satellite Unit (Renal Dialysis) are based at Manukau Surgery Centre.  Enter the main waiting area at Manukau Surgery Centre and turn left to enter the Unit.

The Manukau SuperClinic™ is located at the same site as the Surgery Centre and holds outpatient clinics for both surgical and medical specialities.


South Auckland

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Visiting Hours

If unwell, get a COVID-19 test and stay home. If you have any questions call Healthline on 0800 611 116.

There are some specialised services in the hospital where visiting hours may vary, for example, the Delivery Suite, or Intensive Care Unit. In these cases, signs will be in place with the relevant information. If you are not sure, please feel free to contact us at the numbers listed below:

  • For Information/Visiting Hours: phone (09) 270 4799
  • For Patient Enquiries: phone (09) 276 5004
  • For Tiaho Mai (Acute Mental Health Unit): phone (09) 270 4742


Food and refreshments can be purchased by the general public and staff at the cafe situated within Manukau SuperClinic™ (next door).

Coffee Cart Cafe at Manukau SuperClinic
Located at the main entrance
7.30am - 4.00pm (Monday - Friday)
Ph (09) 262 4294

Public Transport

Public Bus Service
Daily bus services operate regularly throughout the day. The bus stop is located directly outside the main entrance to Manukau Health Park on Great South Road.

For further bus information, see the Auckland Transport website or phone (09) 366 6400 or toll-free on 0800 10 30 80 if outside the local calling area.

Great South Road both north and south of the Health Park has either off-road or on-road marked cycle lanes and provides an excellent link to cycle-friendly roads in Manukau, Papatoetoe, and Manurewa.  Auckland Transport Cycle Route Maps can be accessed through the Auckland Transport website. Keywords: Biking & Cycleways.

Staff can park their bikes in the racks located at the rear of the SuperClinic™.

Driving Directions
The SuperClinic is easily accessible from the southern motorway.

  • Southern Motorway:
    Southbound:  Redoubt Road exit then left onto the Great South Road
    Northbound:  Great South Road exit, then turn left onto Great South Road
  • South-Western Motorway:
    From either direction: Lambie Drive exit, then Druces Road, Kerrs Road, and right onto Great South Road.


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Free parking is available for patients visiting the Manukau SuperClinic™ or Manukau Surgery Centre.  All patient parking is clearly signposted around the facilities.  Parking for the disabled is also available.

There is a Drop Off zone where patients may be set down or picked up from outside the main entrance.  Please consider others and remove cars as soon as possible.

There is a taxi stand available alongside the main entrance of the Manukau SuperClinic™.

Support Services

Complaints and Feedback Procedure

Our staff work to ensure that your care and treatment is of the best standard that we can achieve. If for some reason you are unhappy with any part of your care please let us know about it.  Happy feedback is also welcomed.…


Interpreting and Translation Services (ITS)

Welcome to the Counties Manukau Interpreting and Translation Service.

ITS is affiliated with Counties Manukau and provides interpreting and translation service solutions to a number of government and private agencies 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.…


Smokefree Service

Counties Manukau promotes good health and is committed to the Smokefree Policy.…



Surgery Centre TV Hire
Patients can hire TV sets during their stay in hospital.  Week one costs $5.00 per night and week two costs $3.00 per night.  Monthly concession rates are available.  Cash, cheque, credit cards accepted. Payment is required when TV is turned on.  To order a TV please contact (09) 522 2211 before 3.00pm, 7 days a week.
  • Phone

    FREEPHONE 0800 266 513

Ph: (09) 277 1608 (Theatre Unit)
Ph: (09) 277 1655 (Ward Enquiries)
Ph: (09) 250 8034 (Rito Unit)
Email: customerservice@cmdhb.org.nz

Outpatient appointments
& surgical booking enquiries
Ph (09) 277 1660


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Street Address

901 Great South Road

Postal Address

Manukau Surgery Centre
PO Box 98743
Manukau City
Manukau 2241