Bachelor of Health Science (Midwifery), Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand, 5 November 2012
Philosophy of care: pregnancy and childbirth is part of the natural lifecycle of each woman, and every woman’s experience is unique. We are happy to support a woman in her choices and decisions for a safe and happy journey to the birth of her child. We believe that women’s needs are determined not only by her medical conditions, but also by her and her whānau’s individual cultural, social, emotional, physical and spiritual needs. Therefore, from our point of view, we aim to use a woman-centred, evidence-based approach to guide our practice, and to build a rapport that allows women to feel empowered and confident of their transitions to parenthood.
I work with my like minded midwifery partners Sienna and Ella (North Shore Hospital), and I’m also a backup midwife for Kathy Lian, Victoria Lin (Waitakere Hospital) in the event neither of them are unavailable.
Birth facilities attended: North Shore Hospital.
General bio: Hi, my name is Cloris Li and I’m a registered midwife working out of a large practice on the North Shore and West Auckland. I was trained at AUT with a Bachelor of Midwifery degree and worked at North Shore Hospital as a core midwife after I graduated. I have gained a lot of experience looking after women and their babies with complicated needs while I was working in hospital. However, I do believe that pregnancy and birth are a normal part of life for each woman and its uniqueness is determined by not only the woman’s medical needs, but also her social, cultural and ethnic circumstances.
Registration Date
18 January 2013
Languages Spoken
English, Mandarin Chinese
Contact Details
Cloris Li is available at the following service:
Cloris Li - Xiangyi Midwifery Care
This service is available at the following location:
1/229A Archers Road, Wairau Valley, Auckland 0627
021 030 9798
From 9am to 5pm on weekdays only please!