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Maaori Health Organisations and Websites



Maaori Health website
Provide leads and introduction to every topic relating to Maaori Health. Ministry of Health

Treaty of Waitangi principles

The principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, as articulated by the Courts and the Waitangi Tribunal, provide the framework for how we will meet our obligations under Te Tiriti in our day-to-day work. The 2019 Hauora report recommends the following principles for the primary health care system[4]. These principles are applicable to wider health and disability system. The principles that apply to our work are as follows.

  • Tino rangatiratanga: The guarantee of tino rangatiratanga, which provides for Māori self-determination and mana motuhake in the design, delivery, and monitoring of health and disability services.
  • Equity: The principle of equity, which requires the Crown to commit to achieving equitable health outcomes for Māori.
  • Active protection: The principle of active protection, which requires the Crown to act, to the fullest extent practicable, to achieve equitable health outcomes for Māori. This includes ensuring that it, its agents, and its Treaty partner are well informed on the extent, and nature, of both Māori health outcomes and efforts to achieve Māori health equity.
  • Options: The principle of options, which requires the Crown to provide for and properly resource kaupapa Māori health and disability services. Furthermore, the Crown is obliged to ensure that all health and disability services are provided in a culturally appropriate way that recognises and supports the expression of hauora Māori models of care.
  • Partnership: The principle of partnership, which requires the Crown and Māori to work in partnership in the governance, design, delivery, and monitoring of health and disability services. Māori must be co-designers, with the Crown, of the primary health system for Māori.

'HAUORA: Report on Stage One of the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry'
Waitangi Tribunal. 2019
"The Waitangi Tribunal said in a report released today that the Crown had breached the Treaty of Waitangi by failing to set up and run the primary health system in a way that reduced the gap between Māori and non-Māori health outcomes."

He Korowai Oranga: Maaori Health Strategy
"He Korowai Oranga is a living strategy. Updating this website with evidence, data and case studies will be integral activities in its second decade. Over time, this web-based strategy will become a ‘hub of innovation’ for Māori health."

Pae Tū: Hauora Māori Strategy (2023)


As part of the health system transformation a range of strategies have been developed to help guide our health system to achieve pae ora, healthy futures. One of those is Pae Tū: Hauora Māori Strategy. It has been produced by Manatū Hauora and Te Aka Whai Ora. 

Māori Health Priorities Report (2022)


This Māori Health Priorities report draws focus to the biggest contributors to health loss and health inequity for Māori, and also represent the greatest potential for intervention.  This report was commissioned by Te Aka Whai Ora to inform our positioning on the priorities for the interim New Zealand Health Plan (iNZHP) for Māori.

He Korowai Oranga: Maaori Health Strategy (2014)
"He Korowai Oranga is a living strategy. Updating this website with evidence, data and case studies will be integral activities in its second decade. Over time, this web-based strategy will become a ‘hub of innovation’ for Māori health."


Equity of Health for Maaori: a framework

Te ao Māori framework

The Health Quality & Safety Commission has developed a te ao Māori framework in partnership with Māori health providers, Whānau Ora providers and participating district health boards across Aotearoa New Zealand. The initial framework concept is shown below, followed by a brief description.

The aim of the framework is to improve the quality of care afforded to whānau Māori across Aotearoa New Zealand and advance the uptake and implementation of te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori concepts into general health system design and health practice for all. 

There are two downloadable PDFs at the bottom of this page, which include the basic framework concept plus a backgrounder on how and why it was developed. 

We are currently developing resources to support providers with implementation of the framework and will publish them here in due course.

We would like to acknowledge and thank our partner providers who gave their information freely in the hope that much-needed change could happen and be sustained over time.

Te ao Māori framework concepts


The holistic nature of Māori health, which links physical illness to emotional and spiritual wellbeing.  Hence wairuatanga is in the middle position of the framework, which makes culture a central focus in the design of services. The goal of wairuatanga is to embed tikanga Māori and cultural safety into the health system.


The growing and fostering of strong partnerships with Māori, which is fundamental to ensuring the right concepts are included in the design and delivery of services.


Whānau need and improving health outcomes for whānau are the drivers to why services are created and designed. 


The inclusion of Māori leadership in decision-making processes when services are designed.

Te ao Māori framework design

Each of the outer sections have two koru representing tapu and noa. The haehae lines bind each section together and connect and interact with each other.

The inside koru of each concept opens into wairuatanga, which allows wairuatanga to flow seamlessly throughout the entire framework. 

The outside koru opens into te ao Mārama. The pītau design on the edge of the outer sections represents new beginnings and is the interconnection between te ao Māori and te ao Mārama.

Downloadable attachments

Te Hiringa Hauora Research Framework ( e Hiringa Hauora. Health Promotions Agency)
The Te Hiringa Hauora Research Framework is designed to guide and enable shared understanding 
of what best practice health promotion research in Aotearoa New Zealand is and what it seeks to 
achieve. This Framework presents a way of working at the interface of mātauranga Māori and 
Western science, using both knowledge systems to generate new knowledge and evidence that 
contribute towards healthy and decolonising futures for Māori, Pacific peoples, and all New 
Zealanders.” Source: Te Hiringa Hauora


Guidelines for Researchers on Health Research Involving Maaori - Revised July 2010

Health Research Council. 'Māori Health Advancement Guidelines' (2019)
 Alignment with the Māori Health Advancement criterion as well as other assessment criteria will strengthen an application to the Health Research Council. Importantly, the new approach will give applicants clearer guidance and a framework in which they can contribute to improving Māori health, while enabling the HRC to clearly evaluate the degree to which its investment delivers on this objective.  These guidelines  support health researchers in describing how their proposed research fits within the criterion. 

see also 'The New Zealand Health Research Prioritisation Framework' (Health Research Council of New Zealand, 2019)

The evaluation hikoi: a Māori overview of programme evaluation ( Te Ropu Whariki, 2009)

This book aims to:

• Provide the reader with an overview of the issues surrounding public health programme evaluation by and for Māori

• Give examples of the range of approaches that might be useful

• Highlight areas that evaluators may need to consider. There are many different models and frameworks that can be used to guide indigenous researchers. Our approach has been to grapple with what it means, as Māori, to carry out formative, process and impact evaluation. 

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand (2024)

Co-designing health research in Aotearoa New Zealand describes a Kaupapa Māori evaluation of five Healthier Lives’ projects. The report outlines the elements needed for authentic co-design of health research with Māori and Pacific communities.  The accompanying short guide summarises the lessons learnt from this evaluation and features a conceptual ladder – the Co-design Research Integrity Poutama – which portrays and defines different levels of co-design.

see also:

Carlson, Teah, Helen Moewaka Barnes, and Tim McCreanor. "Kaupapa Māori evaluation: A collaborative journey." Evaluation Matters—He Take Tō Te Aromatawai 3 (2017): 67-99.

Cram, Fiona, Kataraina Pipi, and Kirimatao Paipa. "Kaupapa Māori evaluation in Aotearoa New Zealand.New directions for evaluation 2018.159 (2018): 63-77.

Evaluation and Research Committee Report on the SPEaR Best Practice Māori Guidelines Hui 2007 

The Social Policy, Evaluation and Research Committee (SPEaR) advocates the need for kaupapa Māori principles, and sets out specific guidelines for “best practice approaches”. These guidelines are defined as five key principles of working with Māori, which are:
“integrity, respect, responsiveness, competency and reciprocity.”


Te Ara Tika - Guidelines for Maaori Research Ethics

Te Pūtahitanga: A Tiriti–led Science-Policy Approach for Aotearoa New Zealand | Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (2021)
This paper examines the interface between science and policymaking and calls for a policy approach that is enabled by, and responsive to, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and Mātauranga Māori. For a science sector to have its greatest reach and impact for all citizens, it must demonstrate relevance, accessibility and inclusion.

In Aotearoa, there has been concern about the exclusion of Māori and Pacific expertise from science advice and key decision-making roles. Te Tiriti offers a powerful framework for connecting systems and communities of knowledge in ways that are mutually beneficial and future focused.

Māori Health Review A to Z guide
The A to Z guide will provide you with direct access to over 300 articles on specific Māori health topics featured in Māori Health Review and other Ministry publications.

Maaori Health on Health Navigator
Improving Māori health is an important area of focus for all health services and providers within New Zealand. Here you can find a range of resources about Māori health including an overview, videos, apps and health information.


see also Understanding Maaori Research Methodologies [podcast]

see also Achieving health equity in Aotearoa: strengthening responsiveness to Māori in health research [NZMJ; 2017)
Excellent health research is essential for good health outcomes, services and systems. Health research should also build towards equity and in doing so ensure that no one is left behind. As recipients of government funding, researchers are increasingly required to demonstrate an understanding of their delegated responsibilities to undertake research that has the potential to address Māori health needs and priorities. These requirements form the basis of responsiveness to Māori in health research, and several research institutions have implemented systems to support their organisational approach to this endeavour. However, many health researchers have a narrow view of responsiveness to Māori and how it might be relevant to their work. In this viewpoint paper we provide an overview of existing frameworks that can be used to develop thinking and positioning in relation to the Treaty of Waitangi and responsiveness to Māori. We also describe an equity-based approach to responsiveness to Māori and highlight four key areas that require careful consideration, namely: (1) relevance to Māori; (2) Māori as participants; (3) promoting the Māori voice, and; (4) human tissue. Finally, we argue for greater engagement with responsiveness to Māori activities as part of our commitment to achieving equitable health outcomes.

see also Bridging cultural perspectives (2018)
This report describes the He Awa Whiria – Braided Rivers model of using Western science and mātauranga Māori knowledge side-by-side for research and evaluation in the social sector. Western science and methods are often given prominence over all other systems of knowledge. While Māori do well in society, there continues to be an over-representation of Māori in negative statistics. If the social sector is to achieve a research-based understanding of the underlying causes of this situation, we need to acknowledge a te ao Māori worldview.

see also Tuku Iho Culture in Māori Health Service Provision (2019)
This report provides critical understanding of the notion of culture, cultural safety, cultural competency and cultural fluency especially central to Māori health service provision in Aotearoa.

see also Maaori Health Research on twitter https://twitter.com/maori_health

see also Cochrane Library: Special Collections. Health of indigenous peoples.

see also  'Research to action: Improving the lives of New Zealanders though health research' [Health Research Council of New Zealand. 2015]

seel also Ka hao te rangatahi: life course approaches in Aotearoa Expert panel.  
An expert panel explores how Māori researchers undertake life course research, analyse data and work with families, whānau and community (2018)

see also Consolidated criteria for strengthening reporting of health research involving indigenous peoples: the CONSIDER statement.
The CONSIDER statement is a collaborative synthesis and prioritization of national and international research statements and guidelines. The CONSIDER statement provides a checklist for the reporting of health research involving Indigenous peoples to strengthen research praxis and advance Indigenous health outcomes.



see also Ministry of Health Library: Key Resources - Māori Health


Data and Statistics

National.  Ministry of Health

Maaori health data and stats: Statistical publications and data sets on Maaori health

Wai 2575 Māori Health Trends Report data and resources (2019)
The Ministry of Health’s Māori Health Insights team has produced the Māori Health Trends Report, to inform the Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 2575)

Ngā Tikanga Paihere

Ngā Tikanga Paihere draws on 10 tikanga (Te Ao Māori/Māori world concepts) to help you establish goals, boundaries, and principles that guide and inform your data practice. 

By asking yourself questions inspired by ngā tikanga at the beginning of your data use, Ngā Tikanga Paihere helps you:

guide your safe, responsible, and culturally appropriate use of data
ensure your data use is carefully considered
ensure your data practices occur in good faith.

HISO 10001:2017 Ethnicity Data Protocols (2017)
The Ethnicity Data Protocols describe the standard procedures for collecting, recording and using data on the ethnicity of people treated by or working in the New Zealand health and disability sector.

Health system quality dashboard
Health & Quality Safety Commission (NZ).
In partnership with Te Tumu Whakarae, HQSC has developed a new specific Māori Health Equity Report, using distinct data.


see also

Te Mana Raraunga [ Māori Data Sovereignty Network ]
" We advocate for Māori rights and interests in data to be protected as the world moves into an increasingly open data environment"

What is Māori Data Sovereignty?

Data Sovereignty typically refers to the understanding that data is subject to the laws of the nation within which it is stored.
Indigenous Data Sovereignty perceives data as subject to the laws of the nation from which it is collected.
Māori Data Sovereignty recognises that Māori data should be subject to Māori governance.
Māori Data Sovereignty supports tribal sovereignty and the realisation of Māori and Iwi aspirations.


Wai 2575 Māori Health Trends Report (2019) 
The Ministry of Health’s Māori Health Insights team has produced the Māori Health Trends Report, including several subject-specific modules, to inform the Wai 2575 Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry (Wai 2575). The report shows changes of Māori health over the years 1990–2015.  

Te Ao Mārama 2016
Here is an updated collection of our statistics about Māori well-being and development from a Māori perspective. It is available in te reo Māori: Tirohia tēnei whārangi i te reo Māori.

‘Te ao mārama’ is a Māori concept relating to wisdom and understanding. It derives from the myth in which Tāne separated his Sky Father Ranginui and Earth Mother Papatuānuku to create ‘te ao mārama’ or the world of light. This allowed Tāne and his brothers to grow and better understand the world around them.

Statistics New Zealand collected information relating to Māori well-being in the 2013 Te Kupenga Survey. Since 2014, our annual survey Tatauranga Umanga Māori provides information about economic activity of Māori authorities.

Tatau Kahukura: Māori Health Chart Book 2015 (3rd Edition)
Presents a snapshot of the health of Māori compared with non-Māori. The chart book presents key indicators relating to the socioeconomic determinants of health, risk and protective factors for health, health status, health service use and the health system.

Statistics New Zealand

Maaori Health
Maaori health and well being
Te Kupenga
Te Kupenga, a survey of Maaori well-being. Te Kupenga collected information on a wide range of topics to give an overall picture of the social, cultural, and economic well-being of Maaori in New Zealand. The survey also provides important information about the health of the Maaori language and culture. 

The first release of information from Te Kupenga 2013 provides overview statistics on four areas of Maaori cultural well-being:

  • wairuatanga (spirituality)
  • tikanga (Maaori customs and practices)
  • te reo Maaori (the Maaori language)
  • whanaungatanga (social connectedness).
District Health Board Maaori Health Profiles 2015 
District Health Board Maaori Health Profiles 2015 in Te Reo
Maaori health statistics online via healthspace
The atlas collects together health, behaviour and socio-economic indicators for Māori. Most indicators compare Māori outcomes with those of non-Māori:
immunisation coverage
oral health
participation and attainment in science subjects (for students in years 11-13)
quit (smoking) attempts
risk behaviour (smoking/ gambling)
intentional self-harm
diabetes (crude rates derived from the virtual diabetes register) 

Wiki New Zealand health data clearinghouse
 Wiki New Zealand sources data from other organisations, including corporations, public repositories, government departments and academics.
We import that data into a powerful open source database, we carefully validate it and standardise it. We then make the data available in a series of standardised forms, both human and machine-readable, with rich metadata about the sources, licensing and datatypes.

Health Roundtable
We are a non-profit membership organisation of health services across Australia and New Zealand. We exist to:
Provide opportunities for health executives to learn how to achieve Best Practice in their organisations
Collect, analyse and publish information comparing organisations and identifying ways to improve operational practices
Promote interstate and international collaboration and networking amongst health organisation executives

Members are provided with a wide range of documents and presentations that identify innovations in health care practice, as well as comparative information and meeting notes. Any staff member from a member health service can access these reports by registering for access with their health service email address.

89 health service organisations across Australia and New Zealand are currently members of The Health Roundtable. Many health service members have multiple facilities. A total of 155 facilities currently provide data for comparative analysis.



Selected Databases  

The United States National Library of Medicine's premier bibliographic database providing information from Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Allied Health and Pre-Clinical Sciences.
Hint: When searching Pubmed for Māori content.  Search on Māori as a word in the title of the article.
Other MeSH subject headings that may be relevant to your search include:
Culture ; Medicine, traditional; Health service, indigenous; Cultural competency; Population groups; Socioeconomic factors

Index New Zealand
General index to New Zealand journals and newspapers from 1987 onwards. Indexes some Pacific serials.

New Zealand’s most comprehensive selection of research papers and related resources. This site include peer-reviewed and other research from universities, polytechnics, and research organisations throughout New Zealand

Publications New Zealand
Publications New Zealand is a record of publications from or about New Zealand, from the earliest days of publishing through to the present


Selected Journals

Get the latest Maaori health research news in the HRC's new e-newsletter, e-Pānui

Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing
The Journal of Indigenous Wellbeing is a peer-reviewed, open-access, scholarly online journal that shares multi-disciplinary indigenous knowledge and research experience amongst indigenous health professionals, leaders, researchers and community members.

Maaori Health Review
Every quarter Maaori health review features the latest research in the Maaori health area

MAI Journal: A Journal of Indigenous Scholarship
The latest issue of MAI Journal: A New Zealand Journal of Indigenous Scholarship (Volume 2, 2) is now available. The theme of health and social wellbeing and the need to reduce Maaori health disparities features prominently in four of the articles in this issue.

Pacific Health Dialog
Pacific Health Dialog - The Journal of Community Health and Clinical Medicine for the Pacific Region is the only Medline listed medical and public health journal published specifically for Oceania.
see Vol. 17 no. 1. (1999) Māori health in New Zealand

Selected Texts

Ministry of Health

Maaori health publications.  Ministry of Health publications on Māori health

He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy sets the overarching framework that guides the Government and the health and disability to achieve the best health outcomes for Māori, with the overarching aim of pae ora – healthy futures for Māori. 

Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025 guides the Ministry, the whole health and disability system, and government to give effect to He Korowai Oranga. It sets out a suite of outcomes, objectives and priority areas for action that will contribute to the achievement of pae ora – healthy futures for Māori. 

Hui Whakaoranga is a series of hui focused on taking a generational approach to Māori health development and is a key part of the ongoing commitment to Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025.

These hui provide a significant opportunity for iwi, hapū, Māori communities and the health and disability sector to connect, share aspirations, and set out milestones for achieving Pae Ora – healthy futures for Māori. This also involves exploring how to continue building effective partnerships and networks.

Updated COVID-19 Māori Response Action Plan (2020)

see also National Ethical Standards for Health and Disability Research and Quality Improvement


District Health Boards 

DHB Maaori health profiles and health summaries
District health boards (DHBs) are required to improve the health of Māori and reduce health disparities for Māori compared to other population groups in New Zealand. This page provides DHB Māori Health Profiles and DHB Māori Health Profile Summaries for all DHBs (bilingual in te reo Māori and English).

The Independent Māori Statutory Board.

Māori Value reports.
The reports make up a platform for the Board’s work to support Māori wellbeing outcomes, as set out in the Schedule of Issues of Significance and Māori Plan (2017).

The five value reports each represent a Māori value: Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Wairuatanga. They measure Māori wellbeing in line with Māori experience and from a strengths-based view.


Other texts


Creating a Māori Indigenous Model of Evaluation Founded on Māori Indigenous Values
PhD Thesis: Māori Indigenous Evaluation, 2023


Values and evaluation inform and influence all aspects of our lives. However, what is evaluation, and how do evaluation methodologies influence outcomes? This research examines how evaluation systems express and reflect their designers' and developers' values, ideologies, social mores, and political worldviews. Māori values are known as ‘taonga’, cultural treasures that formed the basis of their evaluation approaches across all elements of societal life, including health, education, justice, and the economy. Over the last two hundred years, Māori evaluation systems have been denigrated and discredited through the process of colonisation. Eurocentric evaluation systems have been used as political tools to assess, measure, define, and control Māori and Indigenous communities worldwide. Regardless of such methods, Māori and Indigenous communities continue to bear the brunt of intergenerational trauma and suffer the burden of sociocultural, economic, and ecological inequities. We must then ask how Māori and Indigenous values and worldviews can improve evaluation 

Why are Māori Indigenous values-centred models of evaluation needed today? How can we gather and honour Mātauranga Māori to create a cohesive model of evaluation? Informed by Kaupapa Māori philosophies and praxis, this research spans the hinengaro/psyche, whānau/families, hapu/communities, iwi/nations, and Te Ao/global systems are integrated with the experiential knowledge of Māori and Indigenous evaluation specialists. The creation of Pou Kapua, the largest totem in Aotearoa, provided a unique Mātauranga Māori methodology to support the design of the Pou Mārama model of evaluation. Pou Mārama is a Māori values-centric approach that honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the kaingākau of Taha Wairua (spiritual and ethical harmony), Aroha (care and compassion), Mana (heartfelt commitment), Tiaki (protection and preservation), and Ora (intergenerational well-being). Through the Pou Mārama methodology, the principles of Whānaungatanga support respectful and collaborative relationships, and Manaakitanga encourages a complex adaptive systems approach. Kaitiakitanga translates interdisciplinary knowledge into creative and transformative solutions. Finally, Rangatiratanga focuses on demonstrating courageous leadership, supporting authentic measures of well-being, and achieving transformational outcomes - for our people and our planet. 


Creating an Indigenous Māori-centred model of relational health: A literature review of Māori models of health (2021)
This study highlights the importance and relevance of relational approaches to engaging Māori and their whānau accessing health services. It signals the necessary foundations for health practitioners to build trust-based relationships with Māori. Key elements for a Māori-centred model of relational care include whakawhanaungatanga (the process of building relationships) using tikanga (cultural protocols and processes) informed by cultural values of aroha (compassion and empathy), manaakitanga (kindness and hospitality), mauri (binding energy), wairua (importance of spiritual wellbeing).


Ngā Taero a Kupe: Whānau Māori experiences of in-hospital adverse events (2020)
Health Quality & Safety Commission | Kupu Taurangi Hauora o Aotearoa
The study found that whānau Māori had strong views about the way they were treated when accessing health care. For example, many whānau perceptions of the health care system was poor and as a result whānau were reluctant to access care unless absolutely necessary.  The need for change is critical to the quality of care that whānau Māori experience within the Aotearoa New Zealand health and disability system.  he report name, Ngā Taero a Kupe, refers to the kareao (supplejacks), tataramoa (brambles), tūmata-kuru (spear grass) and ongaonga (nettles), which are called ‘The Obstructions of Kupe’. These are physical and mental difficulties or blockages. They occur when cultural safety and cultural competency are not observed.

Baseline Data Capture: Cultural Safety, Partnership and Health Equity Initiatives FINAL REPORT (2020)
The Medical Council of New Zealand, in partnership with Te Ohu Rata O Aotearoa (Te ORA)
The Medical Council of New Zealand, in partnership with Te Ohu Rata O Aotearoa (Te ORA), is pleased to release an independent report outlining findings of the current state of cultural safety and health equity delivered by doctors practicing in Aotearoa New Zealand and experienced by patients and whānau. Māori patients’ experiences are the focus of the report, however many of the challenges and solutions will be applicable to other ethnic groups and populations who experience inequitable healthcare.

The Independent Māori Statutory Board. Māori Value reports.
The reports make up a platform for the Board’s work to support Māori wellbeing outcomes, as set out in the Schedule of Issues of Significance and Māori Plan (2017).

The five value reports each represent a Māori value: Rangatiratanga, Manaakitanga, Kaitiakitanga, Whanaungatanga, Wairuatanga. They measure Māori wellbeing in line with Māori experience and from a strengths-based view.

Experiences of Māori of Aotearoa New Zealand's public health system: a systematic review of two decades of published qualitative research (2020)
Australia and New Zealand Journal of Public Health
This paper aims to synthesise the broader perspectives of Māori patients and their whānau (extended family, family group) of their treatment within the public health system. Our research question was ‘What are the experiences of Māori in the public health and/or hospital system in Aotearoa New Zealand?’

Kaupapa Māori evaluation of the CCDHB Health Care Home Programme (Tiaho Limited, 2020)

While the HCH model holds promise, changes are needed. A summary of changes and guidance for the change process are provided at the end of this report. A model of care must be considered within the wider context of which it is intended to operate. This requires close consideration of systemic structures and funding configurations that may serve to either enable or restrict provider delivery of the model, the strengthening of respectful relationships, high quality, timely and appropriate ethnicity data, a strong commitment to equity and to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and close and authentic involvement of the community served so that tangata whenua are empowered to thrive. 


A window on the quality of Aotearoa New Zealand's health care 2019 – a view on Māori health equity
HQSC, 2019
Every year the Commission publishes a document we call A window on the quality of Aotearoa New Zealand’s health care. The Window provides a snapshot of the quality of health care in the country. While equity has always been a component of the report’s analysis over its four-year history, this year’s report focuses solely on equity. 

A window on the quality of Aotearoa New Zealand’s health care 2019 – a view on Māori health equity (Window 2019) highlights a number of areas where change is needed in the health system. The report is divided into three chapters. The first analyses inequity between how Māori and non-Māori access and receive health services, and the effects on equity of improvement activities in our system. The second chapter asks why these inequities exist, and the third chapter addresses opportunities for improvement.

'HAUORA: Report on Stage One of the Health Services and Outcomes Kaupapa Inquiry'
Waitangi Tribunal. 2019
"The Waitangi Tribunal said in a report released today that the Crown had breached the Treaty of Waitangi by failing to set up and run the primary health system in a way that reduced the gap between Māori and non-Māori health outcomes."

He oranga mo Aotearoa: Māori wellbeing for all
Deloitte, 2018
We consider various Māori wellbeing frameworks and measurements, the barriers to Māori wellbeing and the drivers and changes that could improve it.

Delivering better outcomes together: Policies that reflect our diverse cultures
Deloitte, 2018
The cultural and ethnic face of Aotearoa New Zealand is changing. We explore why and how our institutions and policies need to move closer toward multi-culturalism to achieve better outcomes for all.

Te Ohonga Ake The Health Status of Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand Series Two (Health Status of Children and Young People). (2017)
This report is based on an Indicator Framework developed in 2007 in which the indicators for each of the three reports in the series were identified. The indicators in this year’s report were developed from Craig et al’s indicators for the individual and whānau health and wellbeing stream. They are presented in the following sections: Issues in infancy

 Issues for all ages 0–24 year olds

 Conditions of the respiratory system

 Common communicable diseases

 Unintentional injury

 Reproductive health

 Mental health

Kia Pū Te Wai O Pareira: Catalysts of Whānau Health and Wellbeing in West Auckland (2017)                           

The Whānau Rangatiratanga Frameworks: Approaching whānau wellbeing from within Te Ao Māori (2016)

Kaupapa Māori models of Psychological Therapy and Mental Health Services (2016)

He Puāwaitanga o Ngā Tamāriki: West Auckland Whānau talk about child wellbeing (2016)

Te Ohonga Ake The Determinants of Health for Māori Children and Young People in New Zealand Series Two (2016)

Maaori Access to Health Services

(i) Improving Maaori access to health care: Research report (2014)

(ii) Improving Maaori access to cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular health care: Key informant interviews (2014)

(iii) Improving Maaori access to cancer health care: Literature review (2014)

(iv) Improving Maaori access to diabetes health care: Literature review (2014)

(v) Improving Maaori access to cardiovascular health care: Literature review (2014)

Maaori health: issues relating to healthcare services (2014)

Improving Maaori health and reducing inequalities between Maaori and non-Maaori: Has the primary health care strategy worked for Maaori? An evaluation of the period 2003-2010 (2013)

The health and wellbeing of Maaori New Zealand secondary students in 2012: Te Ara Whakapiki Taitamariki: Youth '12 (2013)

Inquiry into the determinants of wellbeing for tamariki Maaori.  Report of the Maaori Affairs Committee (2013)

Hauora Kotahitanga  - Maaori health experiences as models for co-operative co-existence between indigenous and non-indigenous people [thesis] (2013)

Health sector: Results of the 2010/11 audits - Part 5: reducing health disparities for Maaori. (2012) Office of the Auditor General

Maaori health promotion - a comprehensive definition and strategic considerations.  Health Promotion Forum of New Zealand (2010)

Trends in wellbeing for Maaori families 1981-2006 (2010)

Kaumātua Ngā Kuia: Taonga Aroha: The Life and Living in Advanced Age; A Cohort Study in New Zealand (LILACSNZ) (2009)

Best health outcomes for Maaori: practice implications (2008)

Maaori whaanau experiences of neonatal care experiences (2008)

Hauora: Maaori standards of health IV: a study of the years 2000-2005 (2007)

Improving access to primary care for Maaori, and Pacific peoples : A literature review commissioned by the Health Funding Authority (2000)


Māori Health Organisations and Websites


Maaori Health links
Ministry of Health directory of links to related Māori health websites

Whaanau Ora Research website

Katoa Ltd
Katoa Ltd is a Maaori - Indigenous research organisation that undertakes Kaupapa Maaori (by Maaori, for Maaori) research and evaluation, as well as offering a range of research and evaluation training
see Maaori Health: A dashboard for monitoring Ngāti Kahungunu Health and Well-being, 2013-14
see Maaori access to health services
Funded by the Ministry of Health, The aim of this project was to answer the question, How can access to health services be improved for Māori? The focus of the project was on cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease, and there were three objectives.

Increase the health sector’s understanding of the issues affecting Māori access to health services
Provide an evidence base for action to improve access to health services for Māori
Provide solutions to improve access to health services for Māori
In addition to literature reviews on interventions to improve access to diabetes, cardiovascular and cancer health care, key informants were interviewed for their views about improving access to health services. Individual reports were produced in each area, as well as an overall research report on improving Māori access to health care

Kaupapa Maaori
Nau mai ki te pae tukutuku o Kaupapa Maaori he wāhanga tēnei hai whakawhitiwhiti kōrero, whakaaro hoki mo ngā take katoa e hāngai hito ana ki te Kaupapa Maaori. He mea whakarite tēnei pae tukutuku hai āwhina i te whanaketanga o ngā mahi a ngā whānau, hapū, iwi.  Welcome to the Kaupapa Māori and Rangahau website. This is a site dedicated to a discussion of issues related to Kaupapa Māori. This website has been established to assist in the development of whānau, hapū and iwi.

Ngā Pae o te māramatanga
As New Zealand's Maaori Centre of Research Excellence, we are pursuing a unique vision for achieving full participation by Māori in all aspects of society and the economy.

Te Rau Ora
Aims: Be the lead agency to improve Māori Health and Indigenous Wellbeing via health workforces, strategies and systems that implement Pae Ora (Ministry of Health, 2014);  Strengthen health workforces to decrease Māori inequity and increase Māori wellbeing and potential. Includes access to publications and resources.

The He Pikinga Waiora (Enhancing Wellbeing) Implementation Framework (HPW)
The He Pikinga Waiora (Enhancing Wellbeing) Implementation Framework (HPW) was developed to facilitate effective and accelerated development and implementation of health intervention for chronic diseases. The framework is centred on Indigenous knowledge, methods, and philosophy (in New Zealand, Kaupapa Māori) and also integrates best practice from the international research: culture centredness, community engagement, systems thinking, and integrated knowledge translation

Te Whānau o Waipareira Research Unit
Wai-Research undertakes a research programme that supports Te Whānau o Waipareira Trust to evidence the best outcomes for whānau. In line with Te Whānau o Waipareira’s 25 year generational strategy, the priority for the research programme is to drive innovation that empowers whānau to prosper.

Whāriki Research Group
Te Rōpū Whāriki works in partnership with the SHORE Centre. Its Director, Helen Moewaka Barnes (Ngāti Wai, Ngāti Hine) is also Associate Director of the SHORE Centre.

MIHI (Maaori/Indigenous Health Institute)
The opening of the Maaori/Indigenous Health Institute (MIHI) represents a major milestone in the development of Māaori-focussed teaching and research at the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Otago, Christchurch.

Ngai Tahu Maāori Health Research Centre
The Ngai Tahu Maaori Health Research Unit is a partnership between Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu and the Dunedin School of Medicine of the University of Otago. The Unit collects, collates, interprets and publishes information, data and statistics on Maaori health issues - an essential part of Maaori health development. The research focuses for the Unit are: hauora rangatahi (young people's health); hauora wahine (Maaori women's health) and oranga niho (dental health).

Tōmaiora Maaori Health research Unit.  University of Auckland

Taupua Waiora Centre for Maaori Health Research
Taupua Waiora was formally launched as the AUT University Centre for Maaori Health Research in February 2006. The Centre carries out research in three main areas - Maaori access to health services, Maaori health promotion and Maaori health workforce development. The Taupua Waiora Mission is 'To make a significant and distinctive contribution to reducing inequalities in health between Maaori and non-Maaori and improving Maaori health outcomes'.

Maaori Health Symposium 2015: Selected presentations


 last updated 19February 2024

This page was last updated at 9:40AM on January 14, 2025.