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Asian Health Clearinghouse: Research, Information and Resources

Data and Statistics
Selected Databases
Selected Journals
Selected Texts
Asian Health Organisations and Websites



Assuming no dramatic change in immigration policy in the next decade, the Asian population as a
proportion of New Zealand’s population will continue to increase. The Asian population is projected to grow at about three times the rate of the total population to 2026, reaching
about 790,000 in that year. Given the likelihood that regional settlement patterns will be similar to those experienced in the previous quarter century, about two-thirds of this
population will live in Auckland – with an estimated Asian population of 525,000 in 2026, comprising about 28 percent of Auckland’s population. For a detailed analysis of Auckland's
Asian population patterns and forecasts see Asian Auckland: the multiple meanings of diversity (2015)

Asian and migrant health

see also  'Research to action: Improving the lives of New Zealanders though health research' [Health Research Council of New Zealand. 2015]

see also 'The New Zealand Health Research Prioritisation Framework' (Health Research Council of New Zealand, 2019)

The Asian Health Research Review is an excellent source of the latest international research, news and local developments.

A decade of Asian and ethnic minority health research in New Zealand: findings from a scoping review
New Zealand Medical Journal.  ol 134 No 1542: 17 September 2021.
Overall, the evidence base on A/EM health in New Zealand is weak as there is limited information on health conditions and its determinants of minority groups, including their patterns of health service use. The nature and content of A/EM health research requires further substantive development in terms of understanding the health and its determinants of this ever increasing and heterogenous population group.


Data and Statistics

National. Ministry of Health

Asian health data and statistics

see also Asian Health Chart Book (2006)
This Asian Health Chart Book 2006 is the first comprehensive review of Asian health, and the first to systematically examine inequalities between Asian ethnic groups and between migrant and established Asian communities. The report adopts an indicator approach in order to focus attention on specific health issues of particular importance to Asian peoples. Information is presented on more than 80 indicators covering four domains: health status, health risk profile, social determinants of health, and patterns of health service utilisation.

HISO 10001:2017 Ethnicity Data Protocols (2017)
The Ethnicity Data Protocols describe the standard procedures for collecting, recording and using data on the ethnicity of people treated by or working in the New Zealand health and disability sector.


Statistics New Zealand

Asian peoples

Health Roundtable
We are a non-profit membership organisation of health services across Australia and New Zealand. We exist to:
Provide opportunities for health executives to learn how to achieve Best Practice in their organisations ;
Collect, analyse and publish information comparing organisations and identifying ways to improve operational practices ;
Promote interstate and international collaboration and networking amongst health organisation executives

Members are provided with a wide range of documents and presentations that identify innovations in health care practice, as well as comparative information and meeting notes. Any staff member from a member health service can access these reports by registering for access with their health service email address.

89 health service organisations across Australia and New Zealand are currently members of The Health Roundtable. Many health service members have multiple facilities. A total of 155 facilities currently provide data for comparative analysis.


Selected Databases  

The United States National Library of Medicine's premier bibliographic database providing information from Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Allied Health and Pre-Clinical Sciences.
Hint: When searching Pubmed for Asian content use the Subject heading Asian Continental Ancestry Group.

Index New Zealand
General index to New Zealand journals and newspapers from 1987 onwards.

New Zealand’s most comprehensive selection of research papers and related resources. This site include peer-reviewed and other research from universities, polytechnics, and research organisations throughout New Zealand

Publications New Zealand
Publications New Zealand is a record of publications from or about New Zealand, from the earliest days of publishing through to the present


Selected Journals

Asian Health Research Review
This Review features key medical articles from global Asian Health journals with commentary from Dr Annette Mortensen, Dr Geeta Gala, Professor Shanthi Ameratunga, Associate Professor Elsie Ho and Dr Roshini Peiris-John.

TANI newsletter
TANI newsletter provides information to both Asian communities and the service providers and shares their successful stories in terms of enhancing community health & wellbeing.

Selected Texts

Ministry of Health

Asian and migrant health publications


see also National Ethical Standards for Health and Disability Research and Quality Improvement

Health needs assessment of Asian people living in the Auckland region (2012)
This report, by Dr Suneela Mehta, was commissioned by the Northern DHB Support Agency on behalf of the Auckland Regional Settlement Strategy Migrant Health Action Plan, which represents Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau DHBs. It is the most comprehensive report to date examining the health status and health service use of Chinese, Indian and Other Asian communities in the Auckland region. The report includes analyses of health issues that have not previously been addressed in detail for Asian communities in Auckland, such as mental health, health of older people, family violence, patient safety and disability.

Asian health in Aotearoa: 2011-2013: trends since 2002-2003 and 2006- 2007 (2016)
This report examines time trends in the health status of Asian participants interviewed in recent New Zealand Health Surveys, which recruit nationally representative samples of the resident New Zealand population.

Asian health in Aotearoa in 2006-2007: Trends since 2002-2003 (2010)
This study by Assoc. Prof. Robert Scragg was commissioned by the Northern DHB Support Agency (NDSA) on behalf of the Auckland Regional Settlement Strategy Health Steering group which represents Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau District Health Boards. It provides an overview of the health status of Asian communities in 2006-07, in comparison with the rest of the New Zealand population; and at the same time provide information on trends in health status among the Asian communities since 2002-03.

International Benchmarking of Asian Health Outcomes for Waitemata and Auckland DHBs

This benchmarking report has been developed to profile and assess the health of Waitemata and Auckland districts' Asian population in an international context - considering their health status against our high level outcomes to maximise life expectancy and reduce inequalities in health outcomes. It is important to note that the Asian population is made up of many individual population groups and each of these groups has differing and specific health needs. Where possible, these difference are explored further in this report. The report has been developed alongside a supplementary Asian Health Benchmarking Technical Report.

Asian Health Support Services

Asian Health Action Plan

Final report on healthcare needs of Asian people: surveys of Asian people and health professionals in the North and West Auckland (2001)

Other texts

Document, audio and video resources on Asian Wellbeing (Asian Family Services)

New Zealand Asian Wellbeing & Mental Health Report 2021
Asian Family Services

The settlement outcomes of migrant youth: a bibliography of New Zealand and international literature [ New Zealand Immigration 2017]

Stakeholder views on factors influencing the wellbeing and health sector engagement of young Asian New Zealanders [2017]

Asian Auckland: the multiple meanings of diversity [Asia new Zeakand Foundation 2015]

Asian People's Strategy 2015-2020 : draft for consultation [Plunket, 2015]

Challenges for Asian health and Asian health promotion in New Zealand (2015)

Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research (CAHRE) National Symposium 2014: Working together to Improve Asian and Ethnic Minority Health and Wellbeing (2014)

Conference Proceedings from the Second International Asian Health and Wellbeing Conference (2006)

Conference Proceedings from Inaugural International Asian Health Conference (2004)

The Impact of Gambling and Problem Gambling on Asian Families and Communities in New Zealand (2012)

Talking Therapies for Asian People: Best and promising practice guide for mental health and addiction services (2010)

Diverse communities: exploring the migrant and refugee experience in New Zealand (2008)

Walking a tightrope: Asian health research in New Zealand (2007)

Asian health in New Zealand - progress and challenges (2006)

Asian Childrens health (2005)

Mental health issues for Asians in New Zealand: a literature review (2003)

see also CALD Resources: Asian, Migrant and Refugee Health Publications


Asian Health Organisations and Websites

Asian Family Services
Asian Family Services was established in 1998 to provide counselling, public health education and support for all Asians in New Zealand.

Asian Forum 2017
ANA holds a one-day Asian nutrition and physical activity forum biennially. This event is designed to support those working to promote public health nutrition and physical activity in Asian communities with new research, resources, and tools.  This forum was held in Auckland on Wednesday 1st November 2017

Asian Health

Asian Health Services
Asian Health Services (AHS) was established to support Waitemata District Health Board's services to deliver culturally appropriate, accessible, responsive and effective services to our growing Asian migrant and refugee communities.

Asian Public Health [Auckland Regional Public Health Service]

Auckland Chinese Medical Association [ACMA]
ACMA, the Auckland Chinese Medical Association, is an association of New Zealand Registered Medical Practitioners that aims to be beneficial to the community by serving as a voice on matters of medical or health concern, particularly for Chinese New Zealanders. We hold regular clinical meetings and dinners for our members, a scientific conference every two years, are involved in promoting health within the community, and advocate in health policy.

Centre for Asian and Ethnic Minority Health Research (Auckland University)

Centre for Migrant and Refugee Research (Auckland University of Technology)
The Centre for Migrant and Refugee Research (CMRR), undertakes, promotes and distributes research that advances understanding of issues that can improve access to healthcare and promote good health among the migrant and refugee populations in New Zealand.

Counties Manukau Health’s Asian Health Forum
The Counties Manukau Pan Asian Health Interest Group (PAHIG) was created to provide a forum where Asian communities can come together to share their views and advice on health and wellbeing matters and provide input into our future health services. The group’s 13 members include CM Health staff, community members from the education sector and non-governmental organisations such as The Asian Network Inc (TANI), and Plunket. With extensive links with key Asian community stakeholders and local and regional professional networks, PAHIG can support health services planning, implementation or evaluation by ensuring relevant Asian community leaders and community groups are engaged for cultural input and advice.
Members include (2105): Carlos Lam Yang, Rani Joseph, Kar Po Chong, Jennifer Goddard, Priya Shahi, Edith Padavatan, Tomoko Yamaguchi, Derek Luo, Kitty Ko, Chee-Khiang Sng, Renuka Bhat, Vasu Moses, Vishal Rishi, Vivien Cheung

eCALDTM resources and courses have been developed by Waitemata DHB’s Asian Health Support Services to address the lack of CALD cultural competence training and information for the New Zealand health workforce. The provision of eCALDTM courses and resources "for working with patients" is funded by the Ministry of Health as part of the Northern Regional Alliance’s Asian, Migrant and Refugee Health Action Programme.

see also
Asian Health Week 2015
Waitemata DHB is showcasing the latest research and information on the health status of Asian populations in New Zealand and advances in preparing a culturally and linguistically diverse workforce nationwide in a free seminar series in August.

Asian peoples are now 24 % of the Auckland region health population. The week-long seminar will provide an overview of the research that has been conducted in the area of Asian Health in New Zealand by leading academics and clinical leaders.

Follow the links for the full programme (32 pages, PDF), Opening Celebration Event invitation (2 pages, includes map, PDF), Opening Day agenda (1 page PDF), and Workforce Forum invitation (3 pages, includes agenda and map, PDF).

Presentations from Asian Health Week


 last updated 12 February 2024

This page was last updated at 9:40AM on January 14, 2025.