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Starship Newborn Services

Public Service, Paediatrics, Intensive Care


Starship Newborn Services

Starship Newborn Services is a multidisciplinary team specialising in caring for newborn babies with medical, surgical and complex health needs. The team includes Neonatologists, Paediatric Registrars, Neonatal Nurses, Nurse Practitioners and Nurse Specialists, and Allied Health Therapists. We work alongside the National Women’s Obstetric and Maternity Services and Starship Paediatric services. We are also part of the Maternal & Fetal Medicine Network.

Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

The Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) looks after babies born to parents from Central Auckland, West Auckland and North Auckland. We also provide NICU care for babies from other New Zealand regions when required.

In addition, NICU is the referral centre for babies who need input from paediatric cardiology services, neonatal surgery or treatment for complex metabolic diseases. Here is a "Virtual Tour" of the NICU. (This video may take some time to load)

The unit is located on level nine of Auckland City Hospital - directly across from National Women’s Labour and Delivery Suite. There are 40 cots divided into three areas of care:

  • Level three (Intensive Care) For babies who are born at less than 32 weeks gestation or need mechanical ventilation or who require intensive care support.
  • Level two (High Dependency)
    For babies who need CPAP therapy, intravenous fluids and antibiotics. Depending on their needs, babies requiring Level two services may be transferred back to North Shore Hospital or Waitakere Hospital SCBU for ongoing care closer to home.
  • Parent Infant Nursery is an area for low-dependency Level two babies. The focus here is on establishing feeds and preparing the baby and family for discharge.


Visiting Hours

Parents can visit their baby at any time of the day or night. Other visitors can only visit in the company of a parent during hospital visiting hours. Siblings of the baby can visit, but no other children are permitted. In order to respect the privacy of other families in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU), there are restrictions on the number of visitors at a baby's bedside at any one time.

Contact Details

Auckland City Hospital

Central Auckland

  • Patient enquiries

    (09) 375 4300

  • Known extension/pager

    (09) 307 4949

  • Admission & Planning Unit

    Ext 24210 / 23225 | Fax: (09) 375 7038

  • Acute Referrals Service

    (09) 375 7030, Ext: 24048 |Fax: (09) 307 2858

Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries: (09) 638 0400 or scheduling@adhb.govt.nz 

Mental Health Services
24 Hour Crisis Line: 
0800 800717

  • GP / External Specialist Help Desk

    (09) 307 2800

Website: https://www.starship.org.nz/health-professionals

Information about this location

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Street Address

2 Park Road
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142

This page was last updated at 12:46PM on August 9, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Starship Newborn Services.