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Auckland Spinal Rehabilitation Unit (ASRU)
Public Service, Spinal, Rehabilitation Medicine, Urology
Outpatient Service
The Outpatient Service supports people affected by spinal cord impairment that live in the ASRU catchment area.
We provide:
- An initial post discharge follow up review for people that have been inpatients at ASRU
- A range of general or specialty clinics following medical referral from your GP
- Health promotion, education and advice for people living with spinal cord impairment, their carers, health professionals, GP and ACC
- Discipline Specific Assessment & Treatment following referral
We understand that people living with spinal cord impairment may have SCI related concerns throughout their lifetime. We encourage individuals living with SCI to first discuss these concerns with their GP. If SCI specialist review is required, we request a referral from their GP or case manager.
General or Specialty clinics include:
- Team Assessments
- Medical Specialist Clinics
- Remote Assessments
- Spasticity Management Clinics
- Upper Limb Surgical Clinics
- Urology Assessment and Procedure Clinics
- Tele-health Phone or Video Consultation
Team Assessment and Medical Specialist appointments may be offered in some locations outside Auckland.
Team Assessments: This assessment includes a review by an interdisciplinary (IDT) team. The team consists of a Registered Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Rehabilitation Medical Specialist. The focus of the team review is on wellbeing and management of SCI related concerns through support, advice, education and recommendations to the individual living with SCI, their GP, ACC and health professionals involved in their care. A family member, healthcare provider or other support person is welcome to accompany the individual to this appointment.
Appointments are usually 60-90 minutes long and a physical examination may be required. If an individual transfers using a hoist, it is recommended that they bring their own hoist sling to the appointment. Forms for ultrasound, blood and urine tests depending on individual need may have been sent prior to the appointment. These tests should be completed as soon as possible so the results can be discussed with the individual at the appointment.
Medical Appointments: When an individual has a specific issue or medical complication associated with their spinal cord impairment, a medical appointment may be scheduled with a Rehabilitation Medical Specialist. Depending on the nature of the appointment, ASRU Nursing or Therapy staff may also be involved.
Appointments are usually 45-60 minutes long. A physical examination may be required.
Remote Assessment: Remote reassessments can be offered as a form of patient review. This is used to collate and gather more information about an individual’s spinal injury related concern. These assessments involve a questionnaire being sent to the person initially. Following completion and receipt of this, a clinician phones the client to discuss specific issues or to follow up previous recommendations.
Spasticity Management Clinics: These clinics aim to optimise safety, function and independence for people with spinal cord impairment through spasticity education and management by our Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist and an ASRU therapist.
Appointments are usually 60 minutes long and a physical examination is required.
This clinic is currently only available in Auckland but open to all in our catchment area that are able to travel to Auckland.
Upper Limb Surgical Clinic: The Upper Limb Surgical Clinic is held with surgeons and ASRU Therapists for individuals with tetraplegia to assess for potential surgical options to help improve upper limb function. An upper limb physical assessment is completed and possible surgical options are discussed. Education about the surgeries and rehabilitation post-operatively is provided with a client-centered approach. Surgical planning and clinic follow up is arranged as appropriate following the clinic assessment.
Urology Assessment and Procedure Clinics: ASRU provides an outpatient urology service for the majority of clients with SCI living within the greater Auckland region. Clinics are held at ASRU for consultation and Manukau Surgery Centre for urological investigation procedures. Individuals living outside Auckland may be referred to their local DHB urologists for follow-up.
Tele-health Phone or Video Consultation: A telephone or video consultation service in some circumstances may be available for people who have a scheduled appointment with Rehabilitation Medicine Specialist or the ASRU Outpatient Team.
How to refer to the Outpatient service: If an individual has a SCI related concern, their GP will need to provide a referral to be seen.
GPs within Auckland are able to refer to ASRU via e-Referrals. For GPs outside Auckland, ACC and other Health Professionals please complete the Outpatient Referral Form and send via email to
Need to reschedule an appointment?
If unable to attend a scheduled appointment or there is a need to reschedule, please contact our Outpatient Scheduler by phone: (09) 270 9000, 0800 774 642 or email:
To be seen by ASRU Nursing and Therapy teams, we request a referral. For ACC funded individuals this referral will need to be sent by ACC. Please send referrals via email to
Document Downloads
ASRU Outpatient Referral Form
(DOCX, 51.8 KB)
version 2023