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Chronic Pain Service | Counties Manukau
Public Service, Pain Management
About Us
Chronic pain is usually described as pain lasting greater than 3 months. Chronic pain may or may not be associated with a disease or injury. It often lasts longer than expected for the usual course of a disease or injury. Chronic pain reduces a person's ability to function and impacts on their quality of life and emotional wellbeing.
More than 20% of New Zealanders experience chronic pain and the impact of pain often extends to family and friends.
Some of the most common chronic pain conditions are:
- Musculoskeletal pain disorders e.g. chronic back pain, chronic neck or shoulder pain, fibromyalgia
- Neuropathic pain
- Phantom limb pain
- Headache
- Facial Pain
- Atypical chest pain(s)
- Abdominal pain with or without Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Pelvic pain/endometriosis
- Complex Pain in pregnancy
- Persistent post-surgical pain
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) *if not covered by ACC
*will see for urgent one-off medical assessment and advice regardless of ACC cover
The Chronic Pain Service is part of the Counties Manukau Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine. It aims to provide quality chronic pain assessment and intervention that is accessible and appropriate for the people of Counties Manukau.
The Chronic Pain Service (CPS) includes professionals from a wide range of disciplines. They all have experience in assessment and management of pain from their professional perspective. The CPS team may include Anaesthetists, Nurses, Physiotherapists, Psychiatrists, Psychologists and Musculoskeletal Consultants.
Our aim is to restore functional ability and enable individuals to live as independently as possible, despite their pain.
Pain management involves learning different ways of thinking and acting so that pain interferes less with life. A self-management approach requires an individual and their whānau to play an active role in their pain management and emphasises an improvement in quality of life and function, rather than a cure.
Our Team |
Paul Vroegop |
Clinical Lead, Psychiatrist, Pain Specialist |
Helen Hanna |
Charge Nurse Manager |
Gary Collinson |
Musculoskeletal Consultant |
Keith Laubscher |
Pain Specialist |
Jennifer Dawson |
Pain Specialist, Palliative Care Specialist |
Rachel Sara |
Pain Specialist, Consultant Anaesthetist |
Sheela Perumal |
Pain Fellow |
Sarah Colgan |
Senior Health Psychologist |
Jessee Fia'ali'i |
Senior Health Psychologist |
Sonali Dutt |
Health Psychologist |
Velita Menezes |
Clinical Nurse Specialist |
Jane Cha |
Health Psychologist, Intern |
Summer Dawn |
Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist |
Lisa Ford |
Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist |
Angela Upsdell |
Advanced Clinician Physiotherapist |
Saleshni Chand |
Scheduler / Administrator |
Referral Expectations
The Chronic Pain Service provides a service for residents within the Counties Manukau area. If you think you might benefit from our services, please talk to your GP about this.
Referral Criteria Referral from GP, SMO, or RMO in clear consultation with SMO. Please no referrals from the Emergency Department - instead ED can discuss with the patient and ask the GP to refer.
ACC patients: CPS does not hold an ACC contract and cannot see patients with an open ACC claim.
- ACC has a community-based Pain Management Programme via: .
- For a tertiary-level ACC programme refer to The Auckland Regional Pain Service (TARPS), eRef to: Pain Clinic (ADHB).
Patients 18 years and under:
- If under 12, refer to Paediatric Medicine at Counties Manukau (referrals to Starship Complex Pain Service are only accepted from Paediatricians).
- If aged 12-16 refer to Centre for Youth Health Adolescent Pain Clinic. eRef to: Youth Health - Medical (CMDHB)
The multidisciplinary comprehensive pain assessment (or “triple assessment”) usually involves one 90 minute appointment with three clinicians. During the appointment you will meet a specialist doctor, a member of the psychosocial team, and a physiotherapist. The assessment looks at your strengths, the strategies that you have developed for coping with the pain, and any areas for improvement.
The specialist doctor will ask about your current pain, any medication that you have had in the past, and your current medications. The doctor will review your previous assessment reports and test results. Following this the doctor will talk to you about your pain condition.
The psychosocial team member (clinical nurse specialist or health psychologist) will explore ways that your pain is impacting upon your life and how you are currently managing this. They will listen to what issues you feel are most challenging and important to you.
The physiotherapist will explore your current abilities, any challenges regarding movement and daily activities, and how pain has impacted on your ability to manage.
After the assessment, the team will talk together about a treatment plan, and discuss the options with you.
Chronic pain often needs to be addressed with small changes in many areas. Some of these may be lifestyle changes. There is often education about pain, and an individualised programme for making changes to improve quality of life. We may invite you to one or more of our groups. Options include:
• Medication review and advice
• Individual physiotherapy – a set of sessions focused on helping you increase what you can do and achieve your functional goals
• Individual sessions with a psychologist or CNS – a set of sessions focused on developing your pain management strategies and coping skills
• Gym group (weekly)
• Relaxation group (once every 6 weeks)
• CARE pain self-management group – skills and education based, 1 morning per week for 6 weeks. Offered four times a year
• ACT group – graduate group based on Acceptance and Commitment therapy, 1 morning per week for 6 weeks. Offered three times a year
• Young Adults Group – skills and education based (CBT/ACT), 1 morning per week for 6 weeks, offered twice a year
• Maaori/Pasifika Group – 5 week group looking through Te Ao Maaori and Pasifika perspectives of pain, held on Saturdays, once a year
Fees and Charges Description
The Chronic Pain Service is funded by the Ministry of Health, so no charges apply. However, we are not contracted by ACC so patients under the care of ACC need to be referred to an ACC provider.
Document Downloads
- Understanding Persistent Pain (PDF, 5.7 MB)
- Chronic Pain Service Patient Information Pamphlet (PDF, 491.8 KB)
- Healthpoint Reading List - March 2023 (PDF, 1.5 MB)
Food and refreshments can be purchased by the general public and staff at the cafe situated within Manukau SuperClinic™.
Cafe at Manukau SuperClinic - Located at the main entrance
7.30am - 4.00pm (Monday - Friday)
Ph (09) 262 4294
Free parking is available for patients visiting the Manukau SuperClinic™. All patient parking is clearly signposted around the Clinic.
Disabled Parking spaces can be found near most of the entrances around the hospital. Please ensure you display an authorised disabled parking pass at all times.
Patients may be dropped off or picked up from outside the main entrance. Please consider others and remove cars as soon as possible.
There is a taxi stand available alongside the main entrance of the Clinic.
For information about parking, refreshments, travel directions, transport, accommodation, support services and maps, view the Manukau SuperClinic website.
Contact Details
Manukau SuperClinic™
South Auckland
(09) 277 1660
Manukau SuperClinic has a Call Centre to receive incoming calls related to outpatient services.
The Call Centre is open to receive calls between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday.
Street Address
901 Great South Road
Postal Address
Chronic Pain Service
Referrals & Appointment Centre
Manukau SuperClinic
PO Box 98743
Manukau 2241
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This page was last updated at 10:54AM on November 20, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Chronic Pain Service | Counties Manukau.