Kenwyn Rest Home & Hospital

56 Kenrick St, Te Aroha

Contact Details

Phone (07) 884 8278
Fax (07) 884 8940

Street Address

56 Kenrick Street
Te Aroha
Waikato 3320


At Kenwyn we believe we are here to provide quality care within a family atmosphere. We aim to maintain and improve the wellbeing of our residents by meeting individual needs, providing a safe environment and maintaining dignity. The respect we show to each other, our residents and their families is the basis of our philosophy.

We assist all residents to maintain their independence and involvement in decisions affecting their lives to the highest level possible for each individual. Along with members of our multidisciplinary team, we encourage resident and family/whānau input into care planning, and implementation.

We offer specialised care for residents who need 24/7 registered nursing care because they have age related problems.

Special care needs are professionally managed and we undertake to meet age related physical, intellectual, emotional and social needs. Resident’s safety is promoted.

The care is delivered and supervised by RN’s who are trained, experienced and competent in delivering these special services.


Visiting hours:  9am - 3pm everyday

Languages Spoken


Services Provided

Aged residential care

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access