BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Max treats a diverse range of patients, conditions and injuries – from musculoskeletal and sports injuries, to pre-and post-operative orthopaedic surgeries, fractures, chronic pain, muscle imbalance, occupational injuries and more.
Max is a highly experienced musculoskeletal physiotherapist who utilises a wide range of physiotherapy treatments to help his patients on their road to recovery. With a passion for exercise therapy and Strength and Conditioning, Max can design and implement exercise programmes to help rehabilitate and improve the performance of his patients. He is qualified in performing Functional Movement Screens which allow him to assess his client’s movement and use the screen results to guide his decisions for corrective exercise programming and design.
Read more about Max here
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Contact Details
Max Jackson is available at the following service:
Ponsonby Physiotherapy
This service is available at the following location: