BHSc (Physiotherapy)
Ashley has 18 years of clinical experience having graduated from AUT in 2002 with a Bachelor degree in Physiotherapy and holds a post graduate diploma in Western Acupuncture.
Having represented Great Britain and New Zealand at age group level in both long and standard distance Triathlons and also having completed the New Zealand Ironman three times with a best of 10 hours 7 mins he understands completely the training for and demands placed on the mind and body when undertaking long distance endurance events. Using video gait analysis and muscle balance assessment Ashley will reviewing and improve running technique.
In his spare time he still enjoys the three disciplines of triathlon, and swims competitively for North Shore Masters Swimming club. He loves fishing, skiing, music playing guitar, model trains and being run ragged by four young children.
He specializes in expert clinical assessment and video analysis in the management of sports injuries, running gait/biomechanical analysis. He can help you manage painful spinal problems, shoulder, knee and ankle injuries and chronic tendinopathies. He combines Acupuncture and dry needling techniques with manual, manipulative therapy, muscle balance assessment and exercise prescription to reduce pain aid healing and maximise performance.
He also has an interest in prevention of chronic problems associated with aging including falls prevention, osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.
Male / Tāne
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Contact Details
Ashley Lake is available at the following service:
Active+ Milford North Shore
This service is available at the following location:
145 Kitchener Road, Milford, Auckland
(09) 950 3718
Healthlink EDI