BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Five years experience as a Physiotherapist in the UK working in the NHS before moving to New Zealand.
Three years as a Junior Rotational Physio in Trauma and Orthopaedics, Respiratory, Community Rehab, Neuro, Acute medicine, and MSK Outpatients. Followed by two years as a Senior Physiotherapist in MSK Out Patients working with acute and chronic conditions, Paediatrics and Rheumatology. Through the 5 years, I have also been active with sports medicine and pitch-side care for Rugby and the Birmingham Commonwealth Games in 2022.
- Paediatrics
- Functional and Sport Rehab
Scope of Practice
Eligible to practice, Annual Practicing Certificate Issue Date: 01 April 2024, expires: 31 March 2025
Contact Details
Jessica Coxon is available at the following service:
Habit Health - Mac Road
This service is available at the following location: