Central Auckland > Public Hospital Services > Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora - Te Toka Tumai Auckland >
Auckland City Hospital
Public Hospital
Support Services
The Chaplaincy Service is available to all patients, their whānau/ families and hospital staff. The ward/unit staff can contact the Chaplains for inpatients at any time of the day or night. Chaplains respect each person's beliefs, culture, and privacy. They value the dignity of each person and seek to embody God's love. Chaplains are there in times of illness, distress, crisis and sorrow and also in the joy and relief from pain and hope for the future.
The Chaplaincy service is available 8am - 4pm and an on call service is provided from 4pm to 8am.
Weekly Sunday services are held as follows: Ecumenical at 10.00am, Roman Catholic at 11.30am and the Māori Service at 1pm. These services are held in the Sir John Logan Campbell Quiet Room on Level 6.
The Quiet Room is always open for private use.
(09) 367 0000
Patient enquiries
(09) 375 4300
Known extension/pager
(09) 307 4949
Acute Referrals Service
(09) 375 7030, Ext: 24048
Emergency Department
(09) 367 0000, open 24 hours / 7 days
Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries
(09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz
Mental Health Services
24 Hour Crisis Line
0800 800717
GP / External Specialist Help Desk
(09) 307 2800
Street Address
2 Park Road
Auckland 1023
Postal Address
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142