
Support Services

Hospital Fees

Will your healthcare Auckland City Hospital cost you anything?

New Zealand has a publicly funded healthcare system for New Zealand citizens and permanent residents.
We are required by the Government to gather proof of eligibility status for publicly funded healthcare from each patient we see. In the case of an emergency, this will be sought as soon afterward as possible.
If you are not eligible for publicly funded healthcare you will be charged by ADHB for your care.
To prove your eligibility status, you will be requested by Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland to provide copies of either:

  • Your passport (including all pages that have a NZ immigration stamp or sticker plus the photo page)
  • Your New Zealand birth certificate (and marriage certificate if your last name has changed)
  • Your New Zealand citizen certificate.

These details will then be recorded on our database.

If we ask you for proof of eligibility please do not be offended. This is standard practice for all patients of any background. Even if you are a New Zealand citizen we are required to confirm that status.

This initiative has been introduced in the last three and a half years so patients who have been treated in the past may now be asked to provide documentation to prove their status. We understand that you may find this frustrating; however this will ensure that you are not inadvertently charged for your appointment.

If you have confirmed your eligibility with another region in NZ you must still confirm this status when you visit us. Once eligibility status has been recorded patients are not usually required to present it again in that region.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation.

Please note that some services provided by Te Whatu Ora Te Toka Tumai Auckland will require payment, regardless of your eligibility status. You will be informed of this by the service should this be the case.

Visit Te Whatu Ora for more information on eligibility.

  • Phone

    (09) 367 0000

  • Patient enquiries

    (09) 375 4300

  • Known extension/pager

    (09) 307 4949

  • Acute Referrals Service

    (09) 375 7030, Ext: 24048 

  • Emergency Department

    (09) 367 0000, open 24 hours / 7 days

  • Outpatient appointments & surgical booking enquiries

    (09) 638 0400 / scheduling@adhb.govt.nz 

Mental Health Services

  • 24 Hour Crisis Line

    0800 800717

  • GP / External Specialist Help Desk

    (09) 307 2800


2 Park Road
Auckland 1023

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2 Park Road
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142