Burns Support Charitable Trust Inc NZ

Services Provided

Education Programmes

We aim to educate people about burn prevention by:

  1. Holding educational seminars for interested community groups.
  2. Creating burn prevention awareness by attending appropriate community events with our display stand and relevant resources.
  3. Working with other community groups such as NZ Fire Service and Safekids to promote injury prevention awareness.
  4. Providing FREE burn prevention lessons and resources to schools, kindergartens and Kohanga Reo and other community groups in Auckland.
  5. Providing FREE resources and ideas to interested teachers and schools throughout New Zealand.



If you have sustained burns or know of someone who has, please contact the charity as we hold the camp each year for the 7 - 17 year olds. Camp is a brilliant environment for kids to be kids, building self-esteem, confidence and building lifelong relationships. http://www.burns.org.nz/upcomingcamps.html
