

12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.


You can call Healthline on 0800 611 116, for free, anytime

  • If you can't access a GP or you don't have one, you can call Healthline anytime for free, for trusted health advice, treatment, and information about what to do next.
  • Healthline nurses, paramedics, and advisors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • You can choose to speak with a Māori clinician if you’re calling between 8am and 8pm.

Good things to know about Healthline:

  • When you call, you can use your mobile to share images and video - to help the team help you.
  • Interpreters are available - the Healthline team can arrange to talk with you in your language. When your call is answered, say you'd like an interpreter and the language you’d like to speak in.
  • They can also engage with the NZ Relay Services and support you if you are deaf, hearing impaired, deafblind or speech impaired. Note that NZ Relay Services are only available for limited hours.

Healthline can call you:

  • If you don’t need help or advice straight away, rather than calling Healthline, you can ask Healthline to call you.
  • To do that, go to our website here, enter a few details, and a Healthline nurse or paramedic will call you back.
  • This is also a great option if you're busy, or if Healthline is.

Powered by Whakarongorau Aotearoa // New Zealand Telehealth Services


Adult / Pakeke, Youth / Rangatahi, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Call 0800 611 116

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

No fees apply.


12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

Mon – Sun midnight – midnight

Healthline operates 24 hours / 7 days a week

Public Holidays: Open on all public holidays.

Services Provided

Community nursing


Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Central Auckland, Central Lakes, Dunedin - South Otago, East Auckland, Hawke's Bay, Hutt, Lakes, MidCentral, Nelson Marlborough, North Auckland, Northland, South Auckland, South Canterbury, Southland, Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Waikato, Wairarapa, Waitaki, Wellington, West Auckland, West Coast, Whanganui


Contact Details

12:00 AM to 12:00 AM.

This page was last updated at 8:41PM on March 19, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Healthline.