17 Mill Rd, Waitahanui, Taupō. Waikato 3378. Aotearoa New Zealand
Kia Ora and Welcome to Mirimiri@Mauritau. We are an ACC-registered Rongoā Māori practitioner based in Waitahanui, Taupō.
We invite you to Mirimiri@Mauritau where Mirimiri Romiromi and Whakawhiti Kōrero are integral to your session of traditional Māori rongoā, offering a holistic mauri (energetic) approach to health and well-being. Mirimiri involves gentle therapeutic massage to promote relaxation and balance, while Romiromi uses deep tissue pressure to release physical, spiritual, and emotional blockages.
Complementing these physical therapies, Whakawhiti Kōrero, or coaching through conversation, provides a safe space for individuals to express and resolve mental and emotional issues over time. Together, these practices address the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, guided by Mirimiri@Mauritau's tipuna (ancestral) wisdom and spiritual insight.
Tēnā koe. Mirimiri@Mauritau is an independent service within a multipassionate service business Mistmaiden Enterprises Ltd. At the moment, your Mirimiri@Mauritau is one multipassionate practitioner. Looking forward to meeting you.
At the moment, there are no additional fees and charges to our approved ACC Rongoā Māori sessions.
Kia Ora. SESSION TIMES during normal business hours, evenings, weekends, and public holidays availability are negotiated upon CONTACT with Mirimiri@Maurtau (0272892557 or mistmaidenz23@gmail.com.) Ngā Mihi.
NZ sign language interpreter,
A longer appointment time,
More space to move around,
Support to make decisions,
Wheelchair access
Face to face / Kanohi ki te Kanohi
12 minutes south of Taupō CBD along SH1. Signs for Waitahanui are clearly signposted. We are 500 metres past the bridge, third street on the left.
We are down a long driveway. Ample parking on Mauritau (name of our home)