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North Haven Hospice

Community Health Service


8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.


Our vision: Compassionate communities that work together supporting people to live and die well  | Hapori aroha e mahi tahi ki te tautoko i te iwi kiora me te mate pai

North Haven Hospice provides care for people of all ages with a life limiting condition or terminal illness but we are so much more than dying.  We are here to wrap a cloak of care around your family, whānau and you as we work with your other health providers and carers.

We put the dying in charge of their living and help people understand what is happening and what to expect.

We are a community charity and there is no charge for our services.  We look after those living in the Whangārei District and the south-east of the Kaipara District including Mangawhai, Maungaturoto, Kaiwaka, Topuni and Oruawharo - a total area of 3150 square kilometres.

Most of the people we care for and support are in their own home or place of residence with doctors and nurses phoning and visiting as required.  From time to time, a higher level of care and support, including complex symptom management and pain relief, may come for a few days and stay at our in-patient unit (IPU), before returning home.

North Haven Hospice's in-patient unit is located in Tikipunga, Whangārei, and acts as a hub for our doctors, nurses, health care assistants, family support team, administrative staff and volunteers.

North Haven Hospice is only partially funded by Te Whatu Ora and we need to fundraise over half of costs each year to keep providing our services for free. We do this through what is earnt from the Whangārei, Ruakākā, Mangawhai and Waipu charity shops, other fundraising activities and events, donations from the public and gifts in wills.

Our medical and clinical staff work collaboratively with other service providers such as GPs, district nurses, iwi providers and other health professionals to provide the care needed for each individual.  Our services are not restricted to those who have a cancer diagnosis and we are also here for people of any age.

Being referred to hospice doesn't mean a person is close to death, but rather are in a position where a cure is not possible.  Individual symptoms and complex health needs are cared for according to each person as they choose to live for the rest of their days.

Our friendly volunteer team also offers their help with options of visits for company, to relieve a family member to do other things, a compassionate hand or foot massage, helping to record life reflections and memories or writing letters to family. 

We also care for your family and whānau before, during and after your death to help with their loss, grief and bereavement when needed.


Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua, Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us

While access is usually by referral from a health professional, individual people, their family or whānau can refer someone themselves.  The person of concern will then be assessed for suitability and specific needs. This means they will:

1. Have a documented and advanced disease progressively limiting their life conditions and/or nearing the end of their life

2. Be a resident within the North Haven Hospice service area

3. Have a level of need (physical, psychological, spiritual) that exceeds the resources of the primary palliative care provider

4. Be agreeable to the referral if they are able to do so

5. Have disease specific indicators present


Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Usually free of charge


8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

North Haven Hospice can be contacted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, our Reception area is only attended from 8am- 4.30pm Monday through to Friday and is closed on weekends and Public Holidays. If you are visiting After Hours please use the call bell at the side door as signposted.

Services Provided

End of life care



Contact Details

8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

24A Takahe Street
Whangarei 0112
New Zealand

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Street Address

24A Takahe Street
Whangārei 0112
New Zealand

Postal Address

PO Box 7050
Whangārei 0144
New Zealand

This page was last updated at 11:36AM on December 12, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by North Haven Hospice.