
Waikato > Community Health and Social Services > Pinnacle Midlands Health Network >

Pinnacle - Waikato Community Outreach Services

Community Health Service


To support the work of our general practices, Pinnacle also directly delivers some services in the community including screening, mobile immunisation and B4 School nurses.

Read more about our services below.

Pinnacle also provide Stop Smoking Services via Once and For All and Primary Mental Health Services in the Waikato region.


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?


Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

We are a FREE service but we do require a referral from your GP or practice nurse. Please phone your GP surgery to discuss our service as an option.

Services Provided

Health screening

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

  • Breast screening (mammogram)
  • Cervical screening
  • Bowel screening

Health screening tests check for health conditions or early warning signs of disease.

Mobile immunisation service

In the Waikato, we have a team who help to achieve immunisation targets by following up whānau/families who have tamariki/children that have not accessed health services for immunisations, or have missed immunisations. The team also actively work to reconnect whānau engagement with their general practice to make sure no other health checks or services are missed.

Service types: Immunisation, Community nursing, Health screening, Family / whānau support.

In the Waikato, we have a team who help to achieve immunisation targets by following up whānau/families who have tamariki/children that have not accessed health services for immunisations, or have missed immunisations. The team also actively work to reconnect whānau engagement with their general practice to make sure no other health checks or services are missed.

School-based health services

Te Whatu Ora Waikato contracts us to provide school-based health services in high schools, wharekura, teen parent units and alternative education sites. The decile rating of a school determines what services the students are eligible for. If the school your child attends has a school clinic they will provide you with information about the service. School clinics remove some of the barriers that prevent young people from accessing health services, like cost, transport and fear of talking to a health professional. They also provide a way to encourage young people to stay engaged in the health system once they leave secondary school.

Service types: Health screening, Wellness / healthy lifestyle.

Te Whatu Ora Waikato contracts us to provide school-based health services in high schools, wharekura, teen parent units and alternative education sites. The decile rating of a school determines what services the students are eligible for. If the school your child attends has a school clinic they will provide you with information about the service.

School clinics remove some of the barriers that prevent young people from accessing health services, like cost, transport and fear of talking to a health professional. They also provide a way to encourage young people to stay engaged in the health system once they leave secondary school.



Contact Details

This page was last updated at 11:56AM on June 17, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Pinnacle - Waikato Community Outreach Services.