

Sands New Zealand is a network of parent-run, non-profit groups across Aotearoa NZ supporting whānau/families who have experienced the death of a baby. We are non-judgmental and offer support for the loss of a baby/infant during pregancy or after birth, no matter the gestation or circumstances. We have over 20 groups/contact people around the country.

All of the people involved in Sands give their time and energy voluntarily - we are not a government funded organisation. We do not have any paid staff. Most of our members/supporters are also bereaved parents.

We offer empathy and understanding. We are not counsellors and do not give professional advice but we do offer an opportunity and environment to share experiences, to talk and to listen.

We promote awareness, understanding and support for those dealing with the death of a baby in pregnancy, birth or as a newborn, and due to medical termination or other forms of reproductive loss. We are registered with the Charities Commission.

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Services Provided

Family / whānau support

Each group is individual in the support they provide. This can include: Peer Support Meetings Hospital Support Phone Support One on One Support Sands Support (Information) Packs Certificate of Life Moses Baskets Inkless Print Kits Library Books Newsletters Gift/Memory Items and Keepsakes

Each group is individual in the support they provide. This can include:

  • Peer Support Meetings
  • Hospital Support
  • Phone Support
  • One on One Support
  • Sands Support (Information) Packs
  • Certificate of Life
  • Moses Baskets
  • Inkless Print Kits
  • Library Books
  • Newsletters
  • Gift/Memory Items and Keepsakes


Bay of Plenty, Canterbury, Central Auckland, Central Lakes, Hawke's Bay, Hutt, Lakes, MidCentral, Nelson Marlborough, North Auckland, Northland, Dunedin - South Otago, South Canterbury, Southland, Tairāwhiti, Taranaki, Waikato, Wairarapa, Waitaki, Wellington, West Coast, Whanganui


Contact Details

To find your local Sands Support Groups - please click here.

This page was last updated at 5:30PM on March 6, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Sands NZ.