
Bay of Plenty, Lakes > Community Health and Social Services >

Sport Bay of Plenty

Community Health Service


Sport BOP works in our community to get more people, more active, more often by providing information and support across the sport, recreation and health sectors.

For our programmes see below:

Sport BOP also supports people to get more active in the region through activities and information. Read more about Play in the Bay, outdoor activities, city on its feet, activities at home and water safety information on our website. 


Adult / Pakeke, Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us


Your doctor, practice nurse, health professional or midwife can make referrals to our programmes.

Individuals can self-refer to Keep on your Feet. See our website for class information.

Services Provided

Green Prescription Programme

Green Prescription is a six-month healthy lifestyle programme for adults. It is designed to support, inform, empower and provide community connections to nurture a healthy lifestyle. Green Prescription focuses on supporting behavioural change by establishing sustainable physical activity and nutritional habits. Read more

Service types: Wellness / healthy lifestyle, Healthy eating education, Exercise and activity, Family / whānau support, Information, education & support, Injury support services, Self management.

Green Prescription is a six-month healthy lifestyle programme for adults. It is designed to support, inform, empower and provide community connections to nurture a healthy lifestyle. Green Prescription focuses on supporting behavioural change by establishing sustainable physical activity and nutritional habits. Read more

Green Prescription Maternal

Green Prescription Maternal is a six month lifestyle programme to support mums during pregnancy and/or post birth. Read more

Service types: Pregnancy and parenting, Parent wellbeing, Young mums, Family / whānau support, Parenting education.

Green Prescription Maternal is a six month lifestyle programme to support mums during pregnancy and/or post birth. Read more

Green Prescripiton Whānau

Green Prescription Whānau is a free programme to support, encourage, and motivate families to make healthier lifestyle choices by increasing their levels of physical activity and changing their eating habits. Duration of the programme is up to 6 months. The programme is for children aged between 4 ½ and 18 years old. Read more

Service types: Wellness / healthy lifestyle, Healthy eating education, Exercise and activity, Family / whānau support.

Green Prescription Whānau is a free programme to support, encourage, and motivate families to make healthier lifestyle choices by increasing their levels of physical activity and changing their eating habits. Duration of the programme is up to 6 months. The programme is for children aged between 4 ½ and 18 years old. Read more

Keep on your Feet - Strength and Balance classes

Sport Bay of Plenty is part of an exciting new project which is looking at creating access to approved community group strength and balance classes across the Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty for older adults. This is part of the nationwide 'Live Stronger for Longer' initiative to reduce falls and fractures and support older people. To find out more about activities for older adults or find a class near you

Service types: Wellness / healthy lifestyle, Exercise and activity.

Sport Bay of Plenty is part of an exciting new project which is looking at creating access to approved community group strength and balance classes across the Western and Eastern Bay of Plenty for older adults. This is part of the nationwide 'Live Stronger for Longer' initiative to reduce falls and fractures and support older people.  To find out more about activities for older adults or find a class near you


Bay of Plenty, Lakes

Contact Details

Information about this location

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Street Address

406 Devonport Road
Bay of Plenty 3112

Postal Address

PO Box 13355
Tauranga 3141

This page was last updated at 7:46PM on December 16, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Sport Bay of Plenty.