
Lakes > Community Health and Social Services >

Tiaho Mirimiri Massage

Community Health Service


Tiaho Mirimiri Massage provides a traditional approach to healing, not just physical mamae (pain), but helping soothe the hinengaro (mind), wairua (spirit) and whatumanawa (emotions) through whakatau, kōrero, karakia and whakawātea prior to beginning any body work. 

Tiaho Mirimiri is an ACC registered Rongoā Māori practitioner based in Rotorua, rated highly on Trip Advisor with hundreds of 5 star reviews.



Tatiana MacFarlane is an ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner

How do I access this service?

Contact us


ACC clients, please contact the 0800 # or email below to get pre-approval, giving them my Vendor #VBJ854.
ACC will then send me a purchase order directly with the number of sessions you are entitled to and we can get on with your healing journey.

Make an appointment


By appointment only.

Services Provided

ACC Rongoā Māori

ACC Rongoā Māori ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies. ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.

  • ACC registered rongoā Māori practitioner

ACC Rongoā Māori

ACC recognise rongoā Māori as a kaupapa Māori service. It's culturally grounded care that weaves tikanga Māori, mātauranga Māori, te reo Māori, and te ao Māori through all aspects of the service. We respect that these aspects embrace ngā taonga tuku iho (intergenerational gifts and knowledge handed down from tupuna Māori). We see rongoā Māori in the wider context of traditional Māori healing methodologies.

ACC don't consider healing techniques from non-Māori cultural traditions, such as reiki or hyperbaric oxygen treatment, part of rongoā Māori. Even if they're provided by rongoā Māori practitioners.

Kaupapa Māori

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.

Kaupapa Māori community and/or social support that is culturally appropriate for Māori, promote Mātauranga Māori, tikanga Māori, and whānau-centred models of care.


3 hours of free parking available outside



Contact Details

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Street Address

1283-1285 Fenton Street
Bay of Plenty 3010

This page was last updated at 3:07PM on November 19, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Tiaho Mirimiri Massage.