
Wairarapa > Community Health and Social Services >

Wairarapa Age Concern

Community Health Service, Social


9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.


Age Concern New Zealand is a charity dedicated to people over 65, their friends, and whānau.

We promote dignity, wellbeing, equity and respect and provide expert information and support services in response to older people's needs.

We are active and vocal on relevant issues and work to ensure older people / kaumātua stay connected with their family, friends and community.

We host social events and outings, and run different exercise classes - something for all levels of fitness and ability.

In partnership with Waka Kotahi, we run Staying Safe driver refresher courses.

Local Age Concerns throughout New Zealand are the first port of call for older people in their communities. Age Concerns offer expertise and knowledge of all available services for older people as well as social activities.

Age Concern New Zealand provides national support to local Age Concerns. Age Concern New Zealand also informs the government and other national bodies on issues of concern for older people.

If you, or anyone you know, needs our help please contact us. 


Accredited Visiting Service:

Lynsey Parkes 027-226-6863

Community Friendship Service and Exercise Programmes:

Rachel Ingram 027 221 1406  

Elder Abuse Response team, Seniors’ Empowerment/Kaumātua Whakamanatia:

Susan Esler 027 221 3353  

Anthony Aporo 0274 441 979  

Health Promotion and Community Activities:

 027 333 2137  

Manager / Administration / Finance:

Esmae Laird 027 225 8826 Manager@acww.nz
Sue Mason Administrator 06 3770066


Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us

Office: 06-377-0066 

Walk in



9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Mon – Fri 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Public Holidays: Closed Labour Day (28 Oct), Wellington Anniversary (20 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb), Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun).

Languages Spoken

Māori, English

Services Provided

Information & support

About ageing, age-related supports and services

About ageing, age-related supports and services

Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Exercise and activity, Healthy eating education, Mindfulness and mental wellbeing

  • Exercise and activity
  • Healthy eating education
  • Mindfulness and mental wellbeing
Visiting Programme and Buddy Up Friendship Programme

One on one accredited visiting Programme and... Buddy Up - linking poeple together in groups around areas of common interest

One on one accredited visiting Programme and...
Buddy Up - linking poeple together in groups around areas of common interest

Elder abuse

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access



Contact Details

9:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Corner Fleet Street and York Street
Eden Terrace

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Street Address

Corner Fleet Street and York Street
Eden Terrace

Postal Address

P O Box 865
Masterton 5840

This page was last updated at 1:50PM on April 8, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Wairarapa Age Concern.