Family Success Matters

Services Provided

Abuse and violence support

  • Education programmes
  • Family violence intervention
  • Information and support
  • Referral to specialist services

Fathers for Families programme is a programme for dads. Many of our dads feel alienated from health and social services. Many have had a history in the criminal justice system. They may feel there is nowhere for them to go to be the dad they really want to be. This programme is for them.

For these men, trust is an issue. Once we know that there is a dad who would like to be part of this we send Dave, Monty or Francis to visit them, and visit for as long as it takes for them to move through the programme.

The programme is a mix of home visiting, group work and support for each other. The key aspects of the programme are a 10-week fathers course, a peer support group, daily gym and fitness training and long term social support services.

This programme is for the high & complex need fathers.