
Bay of Plenty > Community Health and Social Services >

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua

Community Health Service, Kaupapa Māori, Social


Te Puna Ora o Mataatua provides a range of integrated health, medical, social and employment services with a whānau ora model of care.

From pepi to kaumātua—all services are based on a whānau ora approach to well-being. We deliver to all communities.

We are a charitable trust that covers the Mataatua/Eastern Bay of Plenty region and beyond.

Te Puna Ora o Mataatua are providing Mobile COVID-19 Vaccinations across Mataatua. Read more here.

Our services cover:

General Medical including:

Tamariki & Rangatahi including:

  • Rangatahi Hub - integrated wrap-around service for rangatahi/youth who are between 16-24 years of age
  • Counselling - mental health, alcohol and drugs, trauma and resilience counselling services
  • Mama and Pēpi - working with mama of all ages to support them and their pēpi up to 2 years of age
  • Driving Academy - a range of learning to drive courses
  • Healthy Lifestyles - programme for tamariki and rangatahi that want a more healthy, nutritious and active lifestyle
  • Nutrition - working with whānau and rangatahi to support them in making good kai choices

Whānau including:

  • Whānau Ora - providing Whānau Ora services across Whakatāne
  • Housing Services - providing a range of housing services including critical repairs to Māori owned homes on Māori owned land, and planning for home ownership workshops
  • Counselling - mental health, alcohol and drugs, trauma and resilience counselling services
  • Health Promotion - providing Whānau Ora community health education
  • Medical Academy - training people to work in the healthcare sector with a wraparound whānau ora approach

Kaumātua including:

  • Kui and Koroua services - events and day programmes for our Kaumātua
  • Home based support - delivering home based support services to Kaumātua across Mataatua/Eastern Bay of Plenty
  • Dementia - resources to learn about symptoms, treatment and prevention of dementia

Innovation including:

  • Research - Health and Populations Research Institute
  • Integration - Recipient of the Te Ao Auahatanga Hauora Māori Innovation Fund 2019-2022
  • Sponsorship - sponsoring individuals, groups and marae for initiatives that support the health and wellbeing of Mataatua


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke, Older adult / Kaumātua

How do I access this service?

Contact us


Make an appointment



Walk in

Please call first for Med Central

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Most services are funded and our GP clinic is free for under 18s.

Languages Spoken

English, Māori

Services Provided

Disability support services
Family / whānau support
Health screening
Home support

Home support carers, Assistance with bathing/hygiene, Home visits

  • Home support carers
  • Assistance with bathing/hygiene
  • Home visits
Injury support services
Kaupapa Māori
Pregnancy and parenting

Parenting education, Support after birth

  • Parenting education
  • Support after birth
Wellness / healthy lifestyle

Exercise and activity, Healthy eating education

  • Exercise and activity
  • Healthy eating education
Whānau Ora

Kaupapa Māori

  • Kaupapa Māori


Bay of Plenty


Contact Details

This page was last updated at 7:44AM on November 28, 2023. This information is reviewed and edited by Te Puna Ora o Mataatua.