
Northland > Public Hospital Services >

Dargaville Hospital, 77 Awakino Road, Dargaville

Public Hospital

Dargaville Hospital
77 Awakino Road
Northland 0310


Dargaville Hospital provides hospital level and community care to the people of Kaipara. Dargaville Medical Centre, Te Hā Oranga o Ngāti Whātua and Hospice Kaipara are other health providers also based on site. 

Services include:

  • 12 bed general ward 
  • Antenatal and postnatal maternity carer
  • 8 bed detoxification ward (Timatanga Hou) 
  • Allied health – physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and social work 
  • Diagnostic services – radiology and laboratory
  • Outpatients Department - provide clinics held by visiting consultants and specialists
  • All emergency care
  • Community health – including district nursing, community rehabilitation, public health nursing, diabetes and paediatrics specialty nursing
  • Community mental health – a multidisciplinary team providing assessment and treatment to adults within the specialist mental health and addiction service for Kaipara

Information for Patients

Our approach to your care
A matou whakatata ki o tumanako

Staff at Dargaville Hospital recognise that you know best how your body responds to illness and other life experiences, and what is right and acceptable for you. We would like you to continue making your own decisions regarding your health care, with our assistance and support.

We support your right to be fully informed about your health situation. Please don't hesitate to ask for more information or to question anything you don't understand. 

We encourage the support of a close relative or friend and will be happy to discuss with you how you might like them involved in your care. If your child is a patient, you are welcome to stay with your child.

Please click on the links below under "Document Downloads" for further information.



Document Downloads

Visiting Hours

Visiting hours
Visitors are an important part of your stay in hospital but please remember that you are in hospital because you are ill and in need of rest and care. To enable staff to provide a high quality, professional service to you and other patients, please note the following restrictions regarding visiting times:

Click here for current visiting hours.

Please speak to the duty leader if visits are required outside these hours. 

Please ask your visitors to respect the privacy and needs of other patients, particularly if you are sharing a room. Visiting children must be closely supervised by parents or guardians.

Visitors, please enter the hospital through the main entrance at the front of the hospital if it’s between 8 am and 4.30 pm.

Travel Directions


Follow the signs for visitor parking. Visitor parking is restricted to the front of the hospital.


A security guard is present on site during weekdays.

At night and on the weekend, security guards regularly patrol the grounds. Please don’t be concerned if you hear security guards routinely checking the outside doors at night. If doors have been locked by staff please keep them locked.

Support Services


A chaplain visits the ward Monday to Friday during normal working hours and may also be available outside of these hours – please ask your nurse.

Takawaenga / Māori Health Coordinator, Manaaki Tangata

The takawaenga provides a liaison between Māori patients, whānau and inpatient ward staff to achieve the best health outcome for Māori patients and their whānau. 

Social Workers

A social worker is available to offer guidance and advocacy to patients and their relatives.…



Hospital Charges
You may be charged for hospital services if you are not a New Zealand resident. 

Click on the following link for more information:

Public Toilets
A toilet with disabled access is located on the left just before turning right into the ward.

  • Phone

    (09) 439 3330

Feedback, compliments, complaints and suggestions


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Street Address

Dargaville Hospital
77 Awakino Road
Northland 0310

Postal Address

Dargaville Hospital
PO Box 112