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Auckland Regional Dental Service (ARDS)

General Dentist Service, Community




Kia ora, Talofa lava, Mālō e leilei, Kia orāna, Bula, Fakaalofa lahi atu, warm greetings to our community

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s dental needs, please contact us on 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) to speak with one of our staff. 

Free Dental Services for Children Living in Tamaki Makaurau (Auckland):

The Auckland Regional Dental Service (ARDS) is funded to provide free general dental care from birth until the end of school Year 8 for eligible children in the Auckland Region. Following this, eligible tamariki from school year 9 are transferred to the Adolescent services to continue free dental care until their 18th birthday.

Based on clinically assessed dental risk level, your child will be provided a recall of 6, 12 or 18 months.  Our dental/oral health therapists will provide your child’s clinical oral health care.  Should your child require specific dental treatment that our therapists have assessed as being unable to provide, a referral to a contracting dentist for free treatment may be provided.  Please note that if sedation is required, there may be costs associated with this. 

Due to the high demand for our services, dental appointments outside a child’s recall will only be provided based on the child’s dental needs as assessed by one of our therapists.  ARDS is not able to offer appointments for routine cleaning and scaling and/or orthodontic-related extractions. 

Good dental health for your child starts in the home:

Most oral health conditions are largely preventable. We recommend all whānau/families support their tamariki with twice-a-day tooth brushing using fluoride toothpaste and limiting sugary food and drinks as best you can.  Further information on key oral health messages for different age groups is provided on our website.

After-Hours Emergency Dental Access:

For urgent dental treatment needs outside of our normal operating hours, please contact your nearest dentist and ask if they are contracted to offer free emergency after-hours care for children.

Alternatively, medical care in relation to an urgent dental condition can be accessed through your GP/family doctor or an emergency medical practice.  Free 24-hour advice on what to do in a dental emergency is also accessible through Healthline on 0800 611 116.

Please click here for Dental Trauma First Aid poster for your information.

The Auckland Regional Dental Service (Children’s Community Dental Service).

Auckland Regional Dental Service (ARDS)
Free dental assessments and care are provided for children and adolescents in the greater Auckland area.

Birth to Year 8
The ARDS School Dental Service provides free dental services to children from birth to Year 8 who have been enrolled with the service. We operate from dental facilities across the greater Auckland area; these facilities include a mixture of fixed clinics, transportable dental units and dental vans. For more information about child dental care or to find a list of clinics near you please check our website here or phone 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583).

Adolescent Dental Care
Free dental care is provided for adolescents from Year 9 until their 18th birthday by contracted dental practices. Regardless of whether adolescents are at school, in paid employment or not, they are still entitled to free dental services. For more information about adolescent dental care or to find a dental practice who provides funded dental care near you please see the Document Downloads section below or phone 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or browse the map available through this link https://info.health.nz/services-support/dental-care/dental-care-for-rangatahi

All babies born in Auckland's main hospitals are automatically registered with the Auckland Regional Dental Service. 

If your child is new to Auckland or new to New Zealand they may not be registered with us. To enrol/register your child please complete the ARDS Dental Registration Update E-form here, phone 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583), or contact one of our dental facilities.

Please click here to view ARDS - Frequently Asked Questions.


Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us

All babies born in Auckland's main hospitals are automatically registered with the Auckland Regional Dental service. You will receive a welcome text and your child will be invited to a dental appointment when they are about 1 year old.

If your child is new to Auckland or new to New Zealand they may not be registered with us. To enrol/register your child please complete the ARDS Dental Registration Update E-form here, phone 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583) or contact one of our dental facilities. 

Pre-school child (0-5 years):
  • Children born in an Auckland hospital will be automatically enrolled on our database.
  • You can check by contacting one of our dental clinics or 0800 number.
  • You will receive your first appointment when your child is about 1 year old. 
School children:
  • School age children who have been enrolled as a pre-school patient will be automatically transferred to their school roll.
  • If your child has not been previously enrolled at a clinic you may receive an enrolment pack from the Dental Clinic.
  • School age children may be seen at school in a variety of ways on the Dental Van, on a Transportable Dental Unit or at a Fixed Clinic.

You are welcome to attend any appointment with your child.

If you want to know more about what dental care and advice we provide, talk to the Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist at your ARDS clinic or call: 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583)

Fees and Charges Description

The Auckland Regional Dental Service provides free care for eligible patients.

To enable us to determine your child’s eligibility for free dental care, please include a photocopy or scan of the following documents with any new enrolment forms:

  • Relevant pages of both the parent/guardian and child’s passport; this should include the page with your photograph and personal details, and ALL permits issued (e.g. Residents / Student / Visitor / Work Permits.)
  • The passport page(s) that shows the “New Zealand Entry” stamp.
  • If one or both parents are New Zealand citizens please provide a copy of the child’s full birth certificate only.

Refugees and those who have applied to be refugees in NZ - please provide a copy of the Immigration NZ letter of acceptance of refugee status.


Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Languages Spoken


Government Funded/Subsidised Dental Care


Free dental care for adolescents from the beginning of year 9 (first year of high school) until their 18th birthday.


Free dental care to children from birth through to the end of school year 8 (second year of intermediate school).

Services Provided

ARDS Dental Registration/Enrolment

All babies born in Auckland's main hospitals are automatically registered with the Free Children's Community Dental Service. If your child is new to Auckland and/or New Zealand or has recently moved please complete the ARDS Dental registration and Update Details E-Form and send to: Email address: ards@waitematadhb.govt.nz Physical address: Private Bag 93115, Henderson, 0650 For more information you can contact 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583). Note: To ensure the 'Email form' link in the e-form works properly, please open the e-form in Adobe Reader to complete. Free download is available, click here. e.g.

All babies born in Auckland's main hospitals are automatically registered with the Free Children's Community Dental Service. 

If your child is new to Auckland and/or New Zealand or has recently moved please complete the ARDS Dental registration and Update Details E-Form and send to:

  • Email address: ards@waitematadhb.govt.nz
  • Physical address: Private Bag 93115, Henderson, 0650   

For more information you can contact 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 583).

Note: To ensure the 'Email form' link in the e-form works properly, please open the e-form in Adobe Reader to complete. Free download is available, click here.


  • ARDS Dental registration and Update Details E-Form (PDF, 329.2 KB)

    Send the completed form to: Email address:Ards@waitematadhb.govt.nz Physical address: Private Bag 93115, Henderson, 0650    Note: To ensure the 'Email form' link in the e-form works properly, please open the e-form in Adobe Reader. Free download is available, click here.

Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.

Free Dental Care

General Dental Check Your child's first dental appointments should start when they are about 1 year old. At your child’s general dental check they will have a full clinical dental examination by a registered Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist. Dependent on your child's age and needs this may include x-rays to check for problems below the gum, between & inside teeth, bone areas and tissue within the mouth. Your child will also have their dental needs assessment completed. The assessment will help determine the best time for your child to be seen for their next general dental check - 6, 12 or 18 months’ time. The dental needs assessment considers several things: The clinical dental examination X-ray results (if applicable) Your child’s diet and brushing habits Any dental problems your child has had in the past Some medical factors Preventive treatments used. You can talk to your Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist if you have any questions about your child’s dental treatment or dental needs assessment. Below are some ways you can help to keep your child's teeth healthy: Brush teeth two times a day with fluoride toothpaste Give your child water to drink when thirsty, it is fresh and free Don’t let your child sleep with a bottle in their mouth Keep sweet foods to meal times and try to give teeth a rest of 2 hours between eating Give sugar free snacks such as bread, cheese, vegemite, fresh fruit, vegetables, egg, plain crackers. If you want to know more about what dental care and advice we provide, talk to the Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist at your nearest clinic or call: 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 5833)

General Dental Check

Your child's first dental appointments should start when they are about 1 year old.

At your child’s general dental check they will have a full clinical dental examination by a registered Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist. Dependent on your child's age and needs this may include x-rays to check for problems below the gum, between & inside teeth, bone areas and tissue within the mouth.

Your child will also have their dental needs assessment completed. The assessment will help determine the best time for your child to be seen for their next general dental check - 6, 12 or 18 months’ time.

The dental needs assessment considers several things:

  • The clinical dental examination
  • X-ray results (if applicable)
  • Your child’s diet and brushing habits
  • Any dental problems your child has had in the past
  • Some medical factors
  • Preventive treatments used.

You can talk to your Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist if you have any questions about your child’s dental treatment or dental needs assessment.

Below are some ways you can help to keep your child's teeth healthy:

  • Brush teeth two times a day with fluoride toothpaste
  • Give your child water to drink when thirsty, it is fresh and free
  • Don’t let your child sleep with a bottle in their mouth
  • Keep sweet foods to meal times and try to give teeth a rest of 2 hours between eating
  • Give sugar free snacks such as bread, cheese, vegemite, fresh fruit, vegetables, egg, plain crackers.

If you want to know more about what dental care and advice we provide, talk to the Dental Therapist/Oral Health Therapist at your nearest clinic or call: 0800 TALK TEETH (0800 825 5833)

Adolescents (Year 9 {Form 3} up until the 18th Birthday)

Dental care is funded for adolescents (Year 9 {Form 3} up until the 18th birthday. This funded dental care is provided by dental practitioners who have a contract with the District Health Board. If a dental provider does not have a contract with the DHB then the service will not be free. The majority of dental work is funded but this does not include orthodontic work or any treatments associated with orthodontics and treatments related to accidents. For dental injuries, ACC may cover part of the treatment cost associated with the specific injury. Please refer to the ACC website for further information: www.acc.co.nz/dental Adolescents can access the funded care regardless of whether they are at school, employed, in tertiary education or on a training course. All adolescents have to be eligible to use the health system in New Zealand to receive funded dental care. If you are unsure if you are eligible please call us on 0800 TALK TEETH 0800 825 583.

Dental care is funded for adolescents (Year 9 {Form 3} up until the 18th birthday.

This funded dental care is provided by dental practitioners who have a contract with the District Health Board. If a dental provider does not have a contract with the DHB then the service will not be free.

The majority of dental work is funded but this does not include orthodontic work or any treatments associated with orthodontics and treatments related to accidents. For dental injuries, ACC may cover part of the treatment cost associated with the specific injury. Please refer to the ACC website for further information: www.acc.co.nz/dental

Adolescents can access the funded care regardless of whether they are at school, employed, in tertiary education or on a training course. All adolescents have to be eligible to use the health system in New Zealand to receive funded dental care.

If you are unsure if you are eligible please call us on 0800 TALK TEETH 0800 825 583.

Note: PDF downloads require the free Adobe Reader application to view.

Disability Assistance

Wheelchair access

Document Downloads

Public Transport

Auckland Transport www.at.govt.nz

Contact Details

ARDS Clinics Information

For a list of ARDS clinics currently open in your area, please click here

Adolescent Dental Service
For a list of adolescent contracted dentists please see under Services Provided / Adolescents on this page.

Postal Address

Auckland Regional Dental Service
Private Bag 93 503
Auckland 0740

This page was last updated at 11:46AM on March 28, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by Auckland Regional Dental Service (ARDS).