Dr Charlie Richardson



MB ChB 1989 Birm; MRCP 1992; MD 2001 Birm; FRACP 2006


I have worked as a Specialist Gastroenterologist at Rotorua Hospital since 2004 and as a Private Specialist between 2004 and 2022. I am fully trained in all aspects of Gastroenterology, as well as diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy. Particular interests include, functional gut disorders (irritable bowel syndrome), bowel cancer screening, inflammatory bowel, peptic ulcer and coeliac disease as well as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and the investigation of abnormal liver function tests.

If there is one thing I enjoy doing above all others, it is spending time with patients trying to understand their symptoms, the impact these have upon their lives and doing my utmost to help.


Particular interests include, functional gut disorders (irritable bowel syndrome), bowel cancer screening, inflammatory bowel, peptic ulcer and coeliac disease as well as viral hepatitis, cirrhosis and the investigation of abnormal liver function tests.

Title or Designation


Full NZ Registration Date

4 July 2003

Vocational Scope

Internal Medicine


Gastroenterology | Lakes
Rotorua Hospital
(07) 348 1199
Taupō Hospital
(07) 376 1000

Dr Charlie Richardson - Gastroenterologist
Kuirau Surgical Centre, 1239 Ranolf Street, Rotorua
(07) 348 8049

MacMurray Centre - Waikato (formerly Cambridge Specialist Centre)
21 Hamilton Road, Cambridge
(07) 444 4600

Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital - Gastroenterology
Southern Cross Rotorua Hospital
(07) 921 2700
