Dr Michael Swarbrick



BM BCh 1986 Oxfd; FRCS Eng 1991; FRCR 1994


Michael's professional interests include:

  • interventional radiology, both vascular and non-vascular
  • MRI
  • CT
  • ultrasound.

Title or Designation

Radiologist, Interventional Radiologist

Full NZ Registration Date

28 June 1996

Vocational Scope

Diagnostic & Interventional Radiology


I-MED Hamilton Radiology
Anglesea Medical Complex - Gate 2, 11 Thackeray Street, Hamilton
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
Anglesea Medical Complex - Gate 1, 5 Thackeray Street, Hamilton
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
26 Bryant Road, Te Rapa, Hamilton
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
127 Shakespeare Street, Leamington, Cambridge
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
19 Canada Street, Morrinsville
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
385 Vaile Street, Te Awamutu
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
Cnr Amohia Street and Haupapa Street, Rotorua
(07) 343 7468 or Free phone 0800 466 564
1 Urlich Avenue, Melville, Hamilton
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
Rototuna Shopping Centre, Cnr Horsham Downs Road & Thomas Road, Rototuna North, Hamilton
(07) 839 4909 or Free phone 0800 HAMRAD (426 723)
13 Kakamutu Road, Ōtorohanga
0800 HAMRAD (0800 042 6726)
Braemar Hospital, 24 Ohaupo Road, Hamilton
0800 426 723

I-MED Midland MRI
Waikato Hospital
(07) 858 0990
Anglesea Medical Complex - Gate 2, 11 Thackeray Street, Hamilton
(07) 957 6050 or 0800 687 674
Braemar Hospital, 24 Ohaupo Road, Hamilton
0800 678 674

I-MED Mokoia Radiology
Cnr Amohia Street and Haupapa Street, Rotorua
(07) 343 7468

Midland Cardio-Vascular Services
Braemar Hospital, 24 Ohaupo Road, Hamilton
(07) 843 1895
