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Dr Elaine Pooler
General Practitioner
MB BS 1992 London; FRNZCGP 2014
I qualified from St.George’s Hospital Medical School, London, in 1992. Emigrated to New Zealand in 1993, initially spending several years in Auckland and Invercargill, before settling in Tauranga in 2001. Since then I have worked, enjoying patient-centred family practice, at Te Puke Medical Centre.
Outside of work, I enjoy time spent with my partner and 2 young sons on beach walks, cycling and kayaking; trying to keep the garden under control and beat the bugs to the fruit and veg.
Registration Date
26 August 1993
Vocationally Registered
Yes (What's this?)
Contact Details
Dr Elaine Pooler is available at the following service:
Te Puke Medical Centre
This service is available at the following location:
14 Queen Street, Te Puke
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
(07) 573 9511
(07) 573 4815
Healthlink EDI