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Dr Gordon Miller
General Practitioner
MB ChB 1984 Glasgow; DRCOG 1988; MRCGP 1990; FRNZCGP 2000
Gordon qualified from Glasgow University in 1984 and then rotated through a number of hospital specialties until 1989
when he commenced General Practice in Glasgow.
In 1992 Gordon emigrated to New Zealand and worked at Whangamatā until 2007 then joining us at Katikati Medical Centre.
Since arriving in NZ, Gordon has job shared with his wife, Dr Susan Blake.
Gordon is a fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practioners and holds a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
He maintains an interest in all aspect of family medicine including dermascopic skin examinations and minor surgical procedures.
Another of our doctors that enjoys the outdoors, Gordon can be found on his bike, in his kayak or wearing boots tramping in the hills.
He also maintains a strong interest in history.
Registration Date
14 March 1991
Vocationally Registered
Yes (What's this?)
A "Vocationally Registered" doctor has qualifications and experience that allow them to be registered as a specialist in a particular scope of practice e.g. General Practice, Urgent Care. These doctors can work independently in New Zealand.
To learn more about different scopes of practice and types of registration visit the Medical Council of New Zealand website.
Contact Details
Dr Gordon Miller is available at the following service:
Katikati Medical Centre
This service is available at the following location: