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Dr Lily Fraser
General Practitioner
MB ChB 2005 Auckland; FRNZCGP 2015
Dr Lily Fraser - Clinical Director
Kāi Tahu, Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha. Ko Otākou te kāika
Executive Member: Te Ohu Rata O Aotearoa, The Māori Medical Practitioners Association (Te ORA)
Lily grew up surrounded by amazing people who fought hard to save te reo Māori and culture. They never took no as an answer. Lily is living proof that kids who attend Kura Kaupapa Māori can achieve well at university. Lily is passionate about Te Reo Māori and the daily use of it in her mahi. She believes it only takes one generation to lose our reo. ‘We can’t be complacent about that. I have had fantastic school teachers and mentors who have encouraged me to do what I wanted and motivated me to work hard. Success is doing something that you love; having the support from your whānau and the education system to do it.”
Lily started part time with Turuki 5 years ago and is now the Clinical Director, in charge of the clinical oversight of what we do and how we do it. She is instrumental in ensuring we get access to quality Māori clinical staff including GPs. Turuki Health Care is a teaching practice taking medical students, house officers and registrars; Lily takes a lead role as mentor and teacher with all our students.
Dr Lily Fraser is very passionate about metabolic syndrome and is a promoter and prescriber of LCHF (Low Carb Healthy Fat) lifestyle especially to whānau. Lily herself has lost 16 kgs by following the LCHF journey. Lily runs LCHF support groups on a Wednesday night from 6pm – 7.30pm every fortnight. Lily also works part time in the clinic seeing patients.
Female / Wāhine
Registration Date
6 December 2005
Vocationally Registered
Yes (What's this?)
Contact Details
Dr Lily Fraser is available at the following service:
Turuki Health Care - Mangere
This service is available at the following location:
32 Canning Crescent, Māngere, Auckland
(09) 275 5788
(09) 275 1381
Healthlink EDI
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