
Bay of Plenty > GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care > Te Puna Doctors >

Dr Maxine Beetham

General Practitioner


MB ChB 2007 Auckland; FRNZCGP 2019


Dr Maxine Beetham is originally from Tauranga, moving to Auckland to study medicine and then undertaking work as a doctor at Rotorua Hospital, Waikato Hospital in ICU, and back to her home town to work at Tauranga Hospital. Maxine has a special interest in maternity, paediatric and palliative care medicine.

Registration Date

3 December 2007

Vocationally Registered

Yes (What's this?)

Contact Details

Dr Maxine Beetham is available at the following service:

This service is available at the following location:

4 Te Puna Road, Te Puna

Contact us online:
