
South Auckland > GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care > ProCare >

Hunters Corner Medical Centre

General Practice (GP) Service

Services Provided

Minor Surgery

Minor surgery is commonly provided in primary care practices, providing fast, competent removal and biopsies of skin lesions. Other services include cosmetic work such as removal of benign moles and skin tags. Ingrown toenail surgery is also commonly provided. 
These conditions do not need to be referred to a hospital, perhaps saving you a long wait or a cancelled appointment when a more serious case takes priority.

Contact Details

8:30 AM to 5:00 PM.

28 Hoteo Avenue

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Street Address

28 Hoteo Avenue

Postal Address

28 Hoteo Ave
Auckland 2025

This page was last updated at 10:00AM on February 14, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Hunters Corner Medical Centre.