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Leabank Health Centre - GP

General Practice (GP) Service


Would not recommend, with a recommendation rating of 1

The nurses at leabank are useless. They never answer their phone nor do they get the prescription order right? The indian nurse is extremly rude and talks back. She is very intimidating and argues. She also gave me false advice. She had no idea what I was talking about. She should maybe educate herself. This is not the first time she has done that to my other family member too. Leabank should not have nurses like that. She should be sacked.

I was very sorry to read of your negative experience with Leabank Health Centre. Some of the issues you have raised are very concerning and I would appreciate the opportunity to talk to you (either by phone or in person) to get a fuller understanding of your concerns. Please contact me on deborah.mackie@tamakihealth.co.nz or 2671580 ext2. Many thanks, Debbie (Clinic Coordinator)

Would not recommend, with a recommendation rating of 1

I called this morning and left a msg at the nurses station for a repeat on my medication. I got a call from one of the nurses I think the phillipino lady who told me there was no repeat and to ask at my appointment the following day. I went on explain that the appointment the following day was for my asthma and last time I had been told NO I can only get assistance with one thing. The nurse couldn't understand and kept saying to ask, just ask at my appointment. By this time I am frustrated because things like "I dont know what you want, I dont understand, you have to ask the doctor about this... is not what you call back with! I have explained at this point that the doctor was the person who prescribed this medication and I apparently can't just stop taking it. What I want is a repeat or a call back from someone who can understand thankyou. I understand there is a language barrier and that is fine BUT Soon enough I get another call from the other nurse, I explain once again that I just needed the repeat for the medication prescribed by the doctor and I cant use my following booked appointment for this and the information should be there., she then goes on to say "there is already a repeat on this medication, it should already be at the chemist, dont give me your fucking attitude!". And then hangs up.

First of all, dont ring me and swear at me! All you or the other nurse had to say right from the start is that there is already a repeat on it! Just that simple!
Secondly, neither of these nurses should be handling patients if they are either incompetent or plain rude!
Thirdly, My family and I have been with Leabank a long time, since the new influx or nurses and g.ps, the place has become careless and rude, you pay for the appointment to be rushed out the door and spoken to like that on the phone.

I am greatful debbie and robyn are still there, but the crap really does out weigh the good unfortunately.

I wont even ask who hired the people or gave them reign to handle the patients. But please leave it to those who know what they are doing and those who can refrain from ringing the patients and swearing at them.

A formal complaint is on its way.

Would not recommend

I was very desperate for an appointment. So I came to your centre around 12.30ish thinking I was be heard and catered to. But no I was wrong. Without even hearing me out the blonde reception showed no empathy and turned me down. I am very upset and never coming back to this centre. No one should come here. There was no one even there and she told me the doctors were fully booked. How is that possible? Someone needs to teach her to be polite and show some respect please.
I am very unhappy with this.

Would not recommend

I came in the other day with my child for his immunizations. Kamal the nurse opposite to reception was very rude and difficult to understand. Who ever hired her did a bad job. She speaks too fast and argues and gives out wrong endangering info. My child ended up in ED. Please give her some training. Is she even a qualified nurse i wonder?

Would not recommend, with a recommendation rating of 1

This place needs to shut down. Dont know why it exists. They never seem to have any appointments. The nurses never pick up. I dont know what they do in their rooms. The clinic is always empty and quiet. WHAT DO THEY DO? The two new nurses are horrible and don't understand how to deal with patients.

Thank you for taking time to send your review to Healthpoint. We welcome all feedback and take it positively to improve our services.

Leabank is fully operating on appointment hence cannot accommodate walk in patients unless it’s an emergency. Our walk in patients are not disadvantaged but are referred mostly to our Urgent Care clinics -Browns Road or Watford Medical Centre.

Due to acute shortage of GP/nurses nationwide – we cannot cover GP gap due to sickness /holiday hence work with lowest staff capacity at times.

Clinic may seem quiet as patients have scheduled appointments but you can be assured there is always work going on. Phone messages are actioned by our nurses throughout the day but they are too busy to answer every call during the day.

Please feel free to talk to our Admin staff at the clinic who are always willing to help.

Please feel free to complete a complaint form (available online www.localdoctors.co.nz or available over the counter at any Local Doctor branch) if you feel you have been treated unfairly or incompetently.

Would not recommend

That new Indian Nurse is incompetent and I don't think she knows what she is doing. I will definitely be taking my complaint to the nursing council. I did not expect this from Leabank. I have been coming here for over 10 years not and I am very shocked with how they hired an incompetent to work at their Centre.

So sorry we did not meet your expectations with your recent visit. Please feel free to call the medical centre or email leabank.reception@tamakihealth.co.nz ..so we can discuss further. Debbie or Sue @ reception

Contact Details

100 Weymouth Road
Auckland 2102

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Street Address

100 Weymouth Road
Auckland 2102

This page was last updated at 10:31AM on May 22, 2024. This information is reviewed and edited by Leabank Health Centre - GP.