Pirirakau Hauora GP Clinic

Services Provided

COVID-19 Vaccination

  • Pfizer vaccine (12+ years) OR Pfizer booster (16+ years)
  • Child Pfizer vaccine (5-11 years)
  • Anyone currently eligible can access
  • Make an appointment

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is an important step you can take to protect yourself, your kaumātua and whānau from the effects of the virus. For more information on the COVID-19 vaccines and eligibility visit Ministry of Health - COVID-19 vaccines

Covid-19 vaccines can be administered before, after, or at the same time as other national schedule vaccines. When the Nuvaxovid vaccine is given at the same time as the Shingrix shingles vaccine or the Fluad Quad flu vaccine, there may be a chance of experiencing a stronger post-vaccination response and you should discuss this with your vaccinator.

We are providing vaccinations clinics at Pirirakau Hauora every Wednesday morning from 8am - 12pm.

You must book appointment prior to allow our nurse/vaccinators to prepare the vaccine.

We are vaccinating eligible age groups and their immediate whānau / close contacts.

To book a vaccination appointment, call us directly on (07) 552 4573.
