We are a general practice aiming to provide quality healthcare for all patients, with an emphasis on health education and preventative medicine.
Consultations are by appointment only. Our standard consultation time is 15 minutes.
We run "Book on the Day" Acute Clinics in the afternoon, with 2 doctors (1 for Acutes and 1 for Respiratory) between 2pm-6pm Monday-Friday for one issue only.
One Quick Clinic doctor runs the respiratory clinic, including COVID 19 care and testing/swabbing, for patients with coughs, sore throat, flu and respiratory symptoms. The other doctor takes care of the other patients without flu symptoms. Saturday clinic from 9am-12pm is a walk in clinic with no appointments. For Appointments for respiratory or flu symptoms/issues, please phone 09 837 0740 or mob 021 0896 4606 on arrival and remain in your car until the doctor calls you. This is to prevent infection and patients are required to wear a face mask.
Please phone at 8am on the day to book these "Book on the Day" appointments for urgent cases that need to be seen as soon as possible.
Unfortunately due to doctor shortage, our doctors can be booked up 2-3 weeks in advance. We are trying to hire more doctors but there is a shortage nationwide.