Phone 07 856 5479 or 0800 483 564 Fax (07) 856 5938 Email Healthlink EDI: wharewao
Street Address
951 Wairere Drive Hamilton East Hamilton Waikato 3210
Postal Address
PO Box 7107 Hamilton East Hamilton 3247
"Kia whakatinanatia ko te ihi, ko te wehi, ko te wana me te hauoranga o te whānau"
The English translation is “Living their Tino Rangatiratanga through Strong, Healthy, Vibrant and Prosperous Whānau”. This vision is a reflection to our past history to a time when our people once thrived as individuals, as whānau, hapu and Iwi. This vision gives us directional purpose in our mahi at Te Kōhao and can only be achieved when one is fully committed to contributing.
Miro O Te Ora, formerly named Te Ha o Kiritahi, has been operating for the past 15 years as Te Kōhao Medical Clinic. The new name "Miro O Te Ora" was given to us by Kiingi Tuheitia in 2009 when we moved into Te Kōhao's multi-purpose Whānau Ora - Health and Wellness Centre.
A multi-disciplinary team of General Practice Doctors and Nurses work together to provide affordable medical services and access to holistic services.
Our team is made up of GPs (see details below under ‘Doctors’) and:
Practice Manager: Diama Williams
Nursing Staff: Annie, Te Waimaarino, Lianca, Param & Paula