Redwood Shopping Centre, 5 Tarawera Road, Lynmore, Rotorua
Contact Details
Phone (07) 345 6627 Email Healthlink EDI: tengaemc
Street Address
5 Tarawera Road Lynmore Rotorua 3010
Postal Address
PO Box 7004 Te Ngae 3042
Te Ngae Medical Centre is a family friendly medical centre located in the Redwood Centre on Tarawera Road.
We offer a full range of family medicine and general practice services. Our experienced health team of doctors, nurses and administrative staff enjoy caring for our patients in our purpose built bright and welcoming centre.
Our team is made up of 7 GPs (see details below under “Doctors”) and:
Practice Manager: Amarnda Nicholson
Nurse Practitioners: Vicky Gaunt.
Practice Nurses: Jez Tijing (Lead Nurse), Sheryl, Ariana and Caryn.
Clinical Assistants: Dianne and Tuara
Receptionists: Metua, Jackie, Charlotte, Debbie, Tiffany and Anne
Te Ngae Medical Centre is taking some new patients. If you are not currently enrolled with a GP in Rotorua and you live on the east side / lakes of Rotorua you may meet the requirments for enrollment.