Ground Floor Apollo Centre 119 Apollo Drive Rosedale Auckland 0632
Postal Address
119 Apollo Drive Rosedale Auckland 0632
We are located within the integrated and modern purpose-built Apollo Health & Wellness Centre and offer a comprehensive range of General Practice services. Our services include, but are not limited to, general practice, minor surgery, sports medicine, vaccinations, medicals, preventative health clinics for diabetes and asthma, women's & men's health, family healthcare, and screening for illnesses.
Our highly qualified medical and nursing staff have a variety of special interests and expertise. Languages spoken by our staff include Mandarin, Cantonese, Hindi, Nepalese and Korean.
Our team is made up of 16 GPs (see details below under “Doctors”) and:
Medical Centre Manager
Nursing Staff
Medical Assistants
Receptionists / Administrators.