
GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care >

Western Bay of Plenty PHO



The Western Bay of Plenty Primary Health Organisation supports healthy lifestyles and quality healthcare services in our local communities. We provide support to 31 general practices, satellite clinics and hauora in the Western Bay of Plenty, catering for more than 200,000 enrolled patients. Sixteen per cent of our enrolled population are Māori.

We also offer complementary Health and Wellness Services as an extension to general practice to support our enrolled population, providing mobile services in the community acting as eyes and ears for general practice.

WBOP PHO is a unique partnership between Ngāi Te Rangi and Ngāti Ranginui Iwi and Western Bay of Plenty Primary Care Providers Inc. We are guided by our Health Strategy, Te Toi Huarewa, which focuses on achieving equity, quality healthcare and sustainability for all.

Our vision is to be courageous leaders of compassionate, connected, trusted and innovative whānau-centred healthcare provision.

Contact Details

Street Address

87 First Avenue
Bay of Plenty 3110

Postal Address

PO Box 13225, Tauranga, 3141

This page was last updated at 12:01PM on April 22, 2024.