
Wellington > GPs / Accident & Urgent Medical Care > Ora Toa PHO >

The 502 - Rangatahi Ora

Youth Health Service, Accident & Urgent Medical Care (A&E), Community Health, Mental Health, Social



The 502 Rangatahi Ora delivers free Primary Healthcare and Social Services to Porirua youth aged 10-24 years. Services provided include:

  • Primary Health Care
  • Sexual Health Services
  • Youth Support
  • Counselling Support


Our friendly non-judgemental team includes GPs, nurses, youth workers, counsellors, and a psychologist.



Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi

How do I access this service?

Contact us

To register you will need to be living, working or studying in the Porirua area code e.g 5022, 5024 etc. You will also need to be aged between 10 years and 24 years of age.

Enrolling new patients


This practice is enrolling new patients.

Our criteria is listed below

  • Aged between 10 years - 24 years old
  • Currently living, working or studying full time in the Porirua area code 502

Fees and Charges Categorisation


Fees and Charges Description

Services here at The 502 Rangatahi Ora are free.
You may be charged by any external referral services you access.


Mon 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tue 10:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wed – Fri 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Closed each day between 12.30pm and 1.30pm

Public Holidays: Closed Good Friday (18 Apr), Easter Sunday (20 Apr), Easter Monday (21 Apr), ANZAC Day (25 Apr), King's Birthday (2 Jun), Matariki (20 Jun), Labour Day (27 Oct), Wellington Anniversary (19 Jan), Waitangi Day (6 Feb).

Preferred urgent care clinic out of hours: Kenepuru Accident & Medical Clinic | Capital, Coast and Hutt Valley.

Languages Spoken

English, Māori, Samoan


Counselling Services

Our counselling services are rangatahi-friendly, non-judgemental, and 100% confidential.

Programme Areas

Mental health, Pacific People

Programme Type

Community based support - mental health, Pacific People - mental health, Supported employment



Age Groups

Child / Tamariki, Youth / Rangatahi, Adult / Pakeke

Referral Types

Self referral

Referral Process

You will need to be living, working or studying in the Porirua area code and aged between 10 years and 24 years of age. When you have registered with our service, you will be booked in with our friendly clinical staff who will put your referral onto our waitlist.


Our counselling services are rangatahi-friendly, non-judgemental, and 100% confidential.

Services Provided

Adult and Child Medical Care

Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication. Free primary healthcare clinics are available for bookings at the 502 every weekday for 10 years- 24 year olds.

Your GP's surgery is far more than a place to go when you are feeling unwell and needing a quick cure. The doctor who sees you has gone through an extensive medical training to equip her or him to help children and adults of all ages with a range of physical and emotional difficulties. GPs are at the centre of the healthcare hub and will be aware of services and expertise that are available locally and further-a-field. GPs are also aware of the link that stress and unhappy life events have on physical health so know when to suggest a talking therapy rather than medication.

Free primary healthcare clinics are available for bookings at the 502 every weekday for 10 years- 24 year olds.

Sexual and reproductive health

If you need support with the following sexual health issues we can help: Routine STI health checks, testing, treatment, and results Pregnancy test and advice Contraception advice and information Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP/Morning After Pill) Condoms If you need support with the following sexual health issues we can help: Routine STI health checks, testing, treatment, and results Pregnancy test and advice Contraception advice and information Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP/Morning After Pill) Condoms

  • Contraception (birth control) advice
  • STD checks (Sexually transmitted disease)
  • Male sexual health
  • Pregnancy testing

If you need support with the following sexual health issues we can help:

  • Routine STI health checks, testing, treatment, and results
  • Pregnancy test and advice
  • Contraception advice and information
  • Emergency Contraceptive Pill (ECP/Morning After Pill)
  • Condoms
Youth Support

Social and youth workers provide rangatahi with practical support, information and advice. e.g: Job seeking support Liaison with clinicians or other community agencies Advocacy support Referral to other services Pop in or contact us to discuss your needs for support.

Service types: Information, education & support, Legal / civil services, Employment support, Pacific People.

Social and youth workers provide rangatahi with practical support, information and advice. e.g:

  • Job seeking support
  • Liaison with clinicians or other community agencies
  • Advocacy support
  • Referral to other services

Pop in or contact us to discuss your needs for support.

Additional Details

Child / Tamariki friendly, LGBTQIA+ friendly


If you have a pre-booked appointment and are registered with our service we can pay for your parking in Cobham Court throughout your appointment time.



Contact Details

Contact us online here

3 Cobham Court
Porirua City Centre
Wellington 5022

Information about this location

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Street Address

3 Cobham Court
Porirua City Centre
Wellington 5022

Postal Address

Level 1, 3 Cobham Court
Porirua City Centre
Porirua 5022

This page was last updated at 6:12PM on February 9, 2025. This information is reviewed and edited by The 502 - Rangatahi Ora.