Hutt Hospital


Service Types: Surgical, Medical, Mental Health, Childrens Health, Maternity

Street Address

Hutt Hospital - High Street
Lower Hutt Central
Lower Hutt

Postal Address

Hutt Hospital
Private Bag 31 907
Lower Hutt 5040

Contact Details

<p>Phone (04) 566 6999 for general enquiries or patient information</p>
<p>Patient Enquiries: ph (04) 570 9152. Patient enquires is open 8.00am - 8.00pm on weekdays and 8.30am - 8.00pm on weekends.</p>
<p>Outpatient appointment enquires ph (04) 570 9555</p>
<p><span lang="en-nz">Emergency Department: Open 24 hours / 7 days, Phone</span> (04) 566 6999</p>

Type of Facility

Public Hospital

