Starship Paediatric Radiology

Street Address

Level One
Starship Hospital
Auckland 1023

Postal Address

Department of Paediatric Radiology
Starship Children's Health
Private Bag 92 024
Auckland Mail Centre
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

Contact Details

Phone (09) 307 2836 - Reception


If the blood vessels of the body, the arteries or veins, are thought to be abnormal, they can be filled with a fluid that is visible to x-rays.

For imaging veins, a catheter is placed directly into a vein near the area of concern, or into a vein that drains into the area of concern. This study is usually done at Starship in the Radiology Department.

For studying arteries, a catheter is often placed into the large artery in the groin because it can be directed to many areas of the body, including the head, from this approach. This specialised radiographic procedure is done in coordination with radiologists from Auckland City Hospital. The child who has an angiogram is asleep under general anaesthesia for the procedure.

Preparation will depend on the type of examination needed.