Rosalynd Pochin - General & Breast Surgeon

Postal Address

Manuka Street Specialist Centre
36 Manuka Street
Nelson 7010

Contact Details

Mobile 0204 460 557
Healthlink EDI: nlsnbrst


This is a procedure which allows the doctor to see inside your large bowel and examine the surfaces directly and take biopsies (samples of tissue) if needed.  Treatment of conditions can also be undertaken.

What to expect

The colonoscope is a flexible plastic-coated tube a little thicker than a ballpoint pen which has a tiny camera attached that sends images to a viewing screen. You will be given a sedative (medicine that will make you sleepy but is not a general anaesthetic). The tube is passed into the rectum (bottom) and gently moved along the large bowel.  The procedure takes from 10 minutes to 1 hour and your oxygen levels and heart rhythm are monitored throughout.

The procedure is performed in a day stay operating theatre. 

Before the procedure

You will need to follow a special diet and take some laxatives (medicine to make you go to the toilet) over the days leading up to the test.

Risks of a colonoscopy are rare but include: