SMILE Pregnancy Care Actions

Mental Wellbeing Matters

Caring for your mental wellbeing is an important part of adjusting to your pregnancy and will help you when you become a mum.


Becoming a mum can be an exciting time but it can also be overwhelming. Changes during pregnancy can increase everyday pressures, and bring new challenges.

Your mental and emotional wellbeing during your pregnancy and after baby is born is as important as your physical health.

Five ways to wellbeing

Introducing these simple strategies into your life will benefit you and your baby.

Check in with yourself – take notice of how you are feeling and know that it is OK not to feel fine all the time. Trust your instincts and ask for help if you need it.  

Be active – try to do something active every day, just a short walk or getting off the bus one stop earlier is a great way to lift your mood.  Being active is good for your body and good for your wellbeing. Talk to your LMC (Lead Maternity Carer – your midwife or obstetrician) or doctor about activities that would be good for you.

Catch up with friends and family – Sometimes a good catch up or chance to talk about the things that aren’t going to plan can make a difference to how you feel.

Take some ‘me time’ – growing a baby is physically demanding. Take some time out each day to relax. Have a warm bath, read a book, listen to a podcast or walk around the block.

See something new – take a short trip, visit friends, go to a new park or café - use this time to explore and have new experiences.

If you need extra support

Ask for help, let someone you trust know how you are feeling. Family and friends can be a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on, or an extra pair of hands to help with the practical things.

If you are feeling low talk to your midwife or doctor. They can talk to you about how you are feeling and put you in touch with others that can help. They are experienced in helping expectant mums with all sorts of worries, mental health included, and can put you in touch with support groups, community networks and other services.


Useful links

Mental Health Foundation

Beating the Blues

Try a meditation app such as CALM