Dr Megan Cornere - Respiratory Physician

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Phone (09) 929 1111
Email admin@nsms.co.nz
Healthlink EDI: respmedm

available for urgent referrals

Adult Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis comes from the Greek words Bronckos (airway) and ektasis (widening). Damage to the airways in bronchiectasis causes them to become damaged and enlarged. Mucous or sputum is not cleared easily from the lungs allowing infection to occur which then leads to further damage to the airways.

In bronchiectasis the damage can be widespread affecting both lungs, or localised to a single focal area. Symptoms vary considerably with a good number of patients feeling well most of the time. Symptoms include cough, bad breath and coughing up blood (this may indicate infection).

Causes of bronchiectasis:
