Respiratory | Counties Manukau | Te Whatu Ora

Street Address

Middlemore Hospital
Hospital Road

Postal Address

Respiratory Department
Private Bag 93311
Auckland 1640

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

What is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)?

If the muscles at the back of the throat relax too much the airway becomes completely blocked and breathing stops. This is called an “apnoea” which means “no air flow to the lungs”. Each time your airway blocks off your body may not get enough oxygen.

The apnoea (no air flow to the lungs) can last 10 seconds or more and can happen hundreds of times a night. During the apnoea, the brain soon recognises there is a problem and wakes the person up a little. The muscles then firm up which means the airway opens and breathing begins again.

As the person relaxes and becomes deeply asleep, further apnoeas will happen. This can significantly affect sleep quality.

Who gets OSA?

What is the treatment for OSA?

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine is the usual treatment for OSA.


If you believe that you may have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, ask your GP to refer you to a Sleep Clinic for assessment. You will have to complete a Sleep Questionnaire which will be sent to the Clinic.


Sleep Walk-in Service:

Module 7, Manukau SuperClinic

 Available Monday to Friday

Please Phone 0800 731 277 and leave a brief message.

Calls will be returned within 48 hours on working days.

Or Email: