North Shore Hospital Maternity Services | Waitematā | Te Whatu Ora

Contact Details

Antenatal Clinic: ph (09) 486 8920 ext 43393
Pregnancy and Parenting Education
Click here for information and to register for:
- Pregnancy & Parenting courses
- Breastfeeding classes
Alternatively please phone or text Barbara Taylor on 021 784 265

Birthing Suite: (09) 486 8920 ext 42898
Maternity Suite: (09) 486 8920 ext 42848
Early Pregnancy Clinic: 021 243 9729

Antenatal HIV Screening

The aim of HIV testing in pregnancy is to identify HIV infection in pregnant women. Since 2000, approximately 18 children in New Zealand have contracted HIV because it was undetected during pregnancy in their mothers.

Screening for HIV is recommended for all pregnant women.

Screening results:

Positive confirmatory (second) HIV tests:

Informed consent for antenatal screening

Informed consent, informed choice or informed decision making are important components of screening during pregnancy. Health practitioners need to take the time to clearly explain to women what the screening tests mean and the steps along the screening pathway, before they are faced with an unexpected result.

It is important women have the opportunity to be provided with sufficient information to think about the potential decisions they might need to make along the pathway before agreeing to participate in screening. Women may choose to include their family and whānau to support them to make their decisions.