Mr Zachary Moaveni - Plastic, Reconstructive & Hand Surgeon

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Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

Blepharoplasty is the term for operations that correct baggy, wrinkly or puffy eyelids. Although most patients are over 35, occasionally patients will seek treatment for puffy eyelids at a younger age, particularly when this is a family trait.

As the eyelids age, the stretched skin produces a "hooded" appearance and the outer corners of the eyelids also move downwards. Patients often remark that others sometimes ask if they are "tired or sad". Women may also have difficulty in applying makeup, particularly to the upper lids.

As the eyes are obviously the part of the face that most people notice a great deal, a well-executed blepharoplasty procedure can dramatically rejuvenate the face and "brighten" someone's appearance.

Mr Moaveni's aesthetic practice is focussed specially on facial procedures such as Blepharoplasty.